I think it is quite possible to learn a language without really studying it, and above all, with a lot of fun.
Here is a personal example: After school, I was lucky to find a passion (IT and Development). So, I could spend hours and hours without realizing it to read on this subject. And as the best information was in English, I read a lot in English. At first, I needed a dictionary, it was rather laborious, but the desire to learn more about my passion made up for the inconvenience. Then one day I realized that I was reading English without any effort. Yet I had no time to feel like studying, and I was never bored, on the contrary. Now that I am in contact with many people who have learned one or more languages successfully, I realize that their common point is often a passion that has helped them to learn languages.
You do not have any passion?
No worries, many people have not yet found their true passion.
To find your passion, try this exercise: Take a sheet of paper or open your text editor on your computer and answer the following questions:
- What are the times in my life where I feel the most creative or inspired?
- Makes 1 or 2 examples of things you do and you're proud of. Something that you find easy to do
- What would you do for free?
- What would you do with your days if you did not need to work?
You can leave these questions work in your subconscious and explore surfing the internet or talking around you. There are an infinite number of passions and internet communities.
- DIY (Do It Yourself) enthusiasts who love to tinker with things instead of buying them. For example, some produce video projectors, other 3D printers, other clothing or decoration. If you love creating, there is a lot to do.
- Pets: For example, if you love your dog, you will find many sites and communities sharing advice (health, training, etc.) and tips.
- Music: If you like certain groups or styles of music, you will surely find many fan sites. If you play music, you'll be able to download sheet music, exchange tips with enthusiasts, etc.
- Collections: (stamps, cans, etc.) If you like to collect, I am sure that you will find passionate sites.
How to find content in the language you are learning?
If you already have a favorite hobby, a passion, here's what you can do:
Change the language of google to get results in the language you are learning:
Follow those steps:
- Click on
- Go to the settings and choose the language
- Type key words and check if the results are written in the language you are learning.
- put this page in your favorites.
Look for sites, blogs or forums based on your passion.
Nothing more simple, just to know the various words related to your passion and to use those keywords to target results. For example, if you want to learn English and you are passionate about video games, you can search in google the following keywords:
- video games blog: blogs are often written by enthusiasts who have regular articles
- video games forum: Forums are places of exchange and sharing, where everyone can write messages and ask questions. I advise you to first read a bit to know the rules (for example, it is best not to ask a question that has been asked 50 times). But do not wait to participate by writing messages. If you explain that you are not natives, people will be understanding with respect to you errors.
Use an online dictionary
At the beginning, you might find a lot of words you do not understand. Do not try to translate everything. It does not matter if you do not understand everything. But if you regularly encounters a word that you do not manage to guess the meaning with the context, uses the dictionary.
The idea is to make a habit of going regularly on these sites and you will see that little by little, you will be more comfortable to read or write. Please note your difficulties regularly (ex. I can read a 500 word article in 10 minutes) and like this you will be able to measure your progress, it is important for motivation.
Write about your passion and receive corrections
You can also use our application to submit a small essay about your passion and have it corrected by native speakers. Post a new text now
What about you? Do you have a passion?
Thank you for sharing your passions in the comments below, this can inspire others.
- FAQ Author: patJanuary 2015
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