Event description


T0shi profile picture T0shiOctober 2008


There is a London Meetup event on 31st of October (and it's Halloween!), so if you could make this trip in that weekend, it'll be a very good timing!


hacheka profile picture hachekaOctober 2008

Hi everybody!

I'm a new member and i would like to improve my english. I think it's a good idea.

I'm waiting more information as what's the date : 25 oct, christmas, ... ?

Thanks for your answer

see you soon -)

arbouche profile picture arboucheOctober 2008
ca me parait être une super idée j'en suis
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
ok, i'll post asap some suggestion


place to stay,

Deleilah profile picture DeleilahSeptember 2008



London  is a good idea

i am in Nottingham, I ll try to come

nice weekend


Dimatrav profile picture DimatravSeptember 2008

That a good idea ! i m a new memeber on this site and i don't know how it's working ... i need to improve my english and i hope find what i search....

i m agree to participate to this trip to London!! But what will  you planned on place  ? Can we meet others english polyglot ??

Thkx for answers !!





Betty-boopy profile picture Betty-boopySeptember 2008
Hi folks! Wonderful this idea of a trip to London. And for those who are worried abt hostelling (everybody and his friends know how expensive that is in London), I suggest Generator Hostel. It's walking distance from the new (not so new anymore) Eurostar Station, King Station and Euston station : so lots of tubes and buses running all night long. There are others, like one in the heart of London: Picadilly Circus, but...well... Generator's kind of noisy, but it's of life: young people, music, and lots of nice people. Their breakfeast is nice too, though simple they have some microwave ovens at disposal, a diff dinner menu every day, a bar open till 2, luggage store room for free, and nice smiling workers. in other words: v. nice for low budegts. Hi Vince, concerning yr remark to non-europeens: if I can add sth to it: - not everybody need a visa issued before getting to the Customs' Officer, but better check not to lose the ticket trip. If you go by eurostar, now the CO is in Gard du Nord (check in before leaving? - yeah! that's it!) : so, more chances not to lose money, , specially for frequent travelers and straight people but anyone can easily check it out on line... If I happen to be of any help... just let me know. I wonder if I can wait so long I was counting to be there in weeks, but I'll see, otherwise, have fun! + see you guys soon...
vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2008
i've updated the date : end of october

it's during a week-end so no need to B on holiday
