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On this page you will find a part of the Sci–Tech Index, a project for science and technology learners.

cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
微积分学 wēijīfēn xué Infinitesimalrechnung [f] calcul infinitésimal calculus 微分積分学 び↑ぶんせきぶ↓んがく математи́ческий ана́лиз
向量分析,向量微积分 xiàngliàn fēnxī, xiàngliàng wēijīfēn Vektoranalysis [f] vector calculus, vector analysis analyse vectorielle ベクトル解析 ベ↑クトルか↓いせき ве́кторный ана́лиз
多元微积分,多变量微积分 duōyuán wēijīfēn, duō biànliàng wēijīfēn multivariable Infinitesimalrechnung multivariable calculus, multivariate calculus calcul [m] à plusieurs variables [f pl] 多変数微分積分学,多変数解析学 た↑へ↓んすうび↑ぶんせきぶ↓んがく,た↑へ↓んすうか↑いせき↓がく многоме́рный ана́лиз
实分析,实数分析,实变函数论 shí fēnxī, shíshù fēnxī, shí biàn hánshù lùn reelle Analysis analyse réelle real analysis 実解析,実関数論 じ↑つか↓いせき,じ↑つかんすうろ↓ん тео́рия фу́нкций веще́ственной переме́нной, тео́рия фу́нкций действи́тельного переме́нного
复分析 fù fēnxī Funktionentheorie [f] complex analysis analyse [f] complexe 複素解析 ふ↑くそか↓いせき ко́мпле́ксный ана́лиз, тео́рия фу́нкций ко́мпле́ксного переме́нного, тео́рия фу́нкций ко́мпле́ксной переме́нной
泛函分析 fànhán fēnxī Funktionalanalysis [f] functional analysis analyse fonctionnelle 関数解析学 か↑んす↓うか↑いせき↓がく функциона́льный ана́лиз
傅里叶分析 Fùlǐyè fēnxī Fourier-Analysis [f], Fourier-Analyse [f] Fourier analysis analyse [f] de Fourier フーリエ解析 フ↓ーリエかいせき ана́лиз Фурье́
调和分析,谐波分析 tiáohé fēnxī, xiébō fēnxī harmonische Analyse, harmonische Analysis harmonic analysis analyse [f] harmonique 調和解析 ちょ↑うわか↓いせき гармони́ческий ана́лиз



cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
backward difference finite difference
central difference finite difference
continuous function argument <mathematical logic>
definite integral second fundamental theorem of calculus
derivative function of a real variable <algebra>
difference quotient finite difference
differentiable function derivative; domain <mathematical logic>
differentiation derivative
discontinuous function argument <mathematical logic>
finite difference function <mathematical logic>
forward difference finite difference
indefinite integral integral; antiderivative
indeterminate form infinity <number theory>
infinitesimal, infinitesimal number real number
integral infinitesimal
Leibniz integral rule partial derivative
limit function; sequence
linear approximation affine transformation <geometry>
Lipschitz continuity uniform continuity
maximum [pl:maxima] function
minimum [pl:minima] function
multiple integral definite integral
partial derivative derivative
second derivative, second order derivative derivative
stationary point differentiable function; derivative
Taylor polynomial Taylor's theorem
total derivative
differential equation
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
differential equation
delay differential equations derivative
differential-algebraic system of equations
integro-differential equation integral; derivative
ordinary differential equation derivative; independent variable
partial differential equation partial derivative; multivariable function
stochastic differential equation stochastic process <probability theory>; differential equation
stochastic partial differential equation stochastic process <probability theory>; partial differential equation
differentiation rule
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
differentiation rule
chain rule function composition; differentiable function
general Leibniz rule product rule
inverse function rule differentiable function; inverse function
power rule differentiable function
product rule, Leibniz rule differentiable function
quotient rule differentiable function
reciprocal rule multiplicative inverse; differentiable function
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
extremum [pl:extrema] function <mathematical logic>
absolute maximum, global maximum maximum; domain <set theory>
absolute minimum, global minimum minimum; domain <set theory>
relative maximum, local maximum maximum; interval <topology>
relative minimum, local minimum minimum; interval <topology>
integral transform
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
integral transform
Abel transform
associated Legendre transform
Fourier cosine transform
Fourier sine transform
Fourier transform
Hankel transform
Hartley transform
Hermite transform
Hilbert transform
Jacobi transform
Laguerre transform
Laplace transform
Legendre transform
Mellin transform
Poisson kernel
Radon transform
two-sided Laplace transform, bilateral Laplace transform
Weierstrass transform
X-ray transform, John transform
notation for differentiation
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
notation for differentiation
Euler's notation differentiation
Lagrange's notation differentiation
Leibniz's notation differentiation
Newton's notation differentiation
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
series addition <number theory>; infinity <number theory>
alternating series series
convergent series limit
divergent series limit
Fourier series series; periodic function; sine wave <trigonometry>
geometric series series; ratio
Gregory's series Taylor series; inverse trigonometric functions <trigonometry>
harmonic series series
partial sum series; sum <number theory>
Taylor series series; derivative
telescoping series series
theorem in calculus
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
theorem in calculus
extreme value theorem continuous function; maximum; minimum
first fundamental theorem of calculus continuous function; closed interval <topology>; antiderivative
L'Hôpital's rule limit; indeterminate form
Rolle's theorem, Rolle's lemma stationary point
second fundamental theorem of calculus interval <algebra>; antiderivative
Taylor's theorem differentiable function; linear appriximation

Vector Calculus

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Multivariable Calculus

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
differential operator operator <algebra>; differentiation
triple product rule, cyclic chain rule, cyclic relation, cyclical rule, Euler's chain rule partial derivative

Real Analysis

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Complex Analysis

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
complex plane Cartesian coordinate system <geometry>; complex number <number theory>
虚轴 xū zhóu imaginäre Achse imaginary axis imaginary line
虚数线 xūshù xiàn imaginäre Linie imaginary line line <geometry>; point <geometry>; imaginary number <arithmetic>
实轴 shí zhóu reelle Achse real axis real line
实数线 shíshù xiàn reelle Linie real line line <geometry>; point <geometry>; real number <arithmetic>

Functional Analysis

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Numerical Analysis

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
truncation error

Fourier Analysis

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Harmonic Analysis

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка



cmn-Hans-CN: 语句 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: yǔjù cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Satz [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: sentence eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: phrase [f] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 文章 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぶ​↑んしょ↓う jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: фра́за rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка


symbol cmn-Hans-CN: 含义 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: hányì deu-Latn-DE: Bedeutung [f] eng-Latn-US: meaning fra-Latn-FR: signification [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 意味 jpn-Hrkt-JP: い​↓​み rus-Cyrl-RU: значе́ние

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