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◀️ Simple Prepositions — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Basic Nature Vocabulary ▶️

Kazakh Grammar → Prepositions and Postpositions → Compound Prepositions and Postpositions

In the previous lesson, we discussed the basics of prepositions and postpositions in Kazakh. In this lesson, we will dive deeper and explore compound prepositions and postpositions and their usage in complex sentences.

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Stress and Intonation & Nominative Case.

Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are created by combining two or more words to form a single preposition. They are used to convey more specific meanings and are commonly used in complex sentence structures. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English
қарама-қаршы qarama-qarshy opposite to
бойынша boiynsha about, concerning
арқылы arqyly through, by means of
бірге birge together with
қарсыласа qarsylasa in spite of
астында astynda under, beneath
жанында zhaninda next to, beside

Note that there are no specific rules for creating compound prepositions. They are formed based on common usage and convention.

Compound Postpositions

Compound postpositions are formed in the same way as compound prepositions, but they come after the noun or pronoun they modify. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English
ішінде ishinde inside
туралы turaly about, concerning
бойынша boiynsha according to
арқылы arqyly behind
шешесінше sheshesinshe as soon as
дейін deyin until, up to
жайына zhaiyna next to, beside

Again, there are no specific rules for forming compound postpositions. They are formed based on common usage and convention.

Usage in Complex Sentences

Compound prepositions and postpositions are commonly used in complex sentence structures in Kazakh. Here are some examples:

  • Осы жерде қарама-қаршы қоршамай жүрдік. (Osı jerde qarama-qarshy qorshamay jyrdik.) - We walked without looking opposite to this place.
  • Олар тағы бір-бірімен бірге уақыт өтірді. (Olar taghy bir-birimn birge uaqty otirdi.) - They spent time together again.
  • Нақты өткенімен біз сабаққа келмегеніміз күні тәртіпке келмейді. (Naqty atkemyzmen biz sabaqqa kelmehenimiz kuny tertypke kelmedі.) - We don't go according to schedule if we aren't on time.
  • Бекітемінің арқылы мен өлеңдер туралы толық ақпарат алғанмыз. (Bekitemіnіng arqyly men oleNder turaly tolyq aqparat alghanmyz.) - Through Bekitemin, we learned complete information about funerals.

As you can see from the examples, compound prepositions and postpositions are used to convey more specific meanings in complex sentence structures. It is important to master their usage in order to communicate effectively in Kazakh.


In this lesson, we explored compound prepositions and postpositions in Kazakh and their usage in complex sentences. We learned that compound prepositions are formed by combining two or more words to form a single preposition, while compound postpositions come after the noun or pronoun they modify. We also saw some examples of their usage in complex sentence structures. It is important to practice these concepts in order to effectively communicate in Kazakh.


Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment

Other Lessons

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