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Spanish Vocabulary - Education

Hi Spanish learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will explore Spanish vocabulary related to education. Whether you are planning to attend a Spanish-speaking school or just want to improve your language skills, this article is for you. To navigate easily, remember to use the table of contents below.

School levels

In Spanish-speaking countries, there are specific terms to describe different levels of education. Let's take a look:

Spanish Pronunciation English
La educación infantil la edukathión infanteel Preschool education
La educación primaria la edukathión pri-ma-ree-a Primary education
La educación secundaria la edukathión se-koon-da-ree-a Secondary education
La educación superior la edukathión soo-pe-ree-or Higher education
  • Person 1: ¿A qué nivel de educación vas? (What level of education are you in?)
  • Person 2: Estoy en la educación infantil. (I'm in preschool education.)

School subjects

To talk about different school subjects, here are some examples:

Spanish Pronunciation English
Lengua y literatura len-gwa ee lee-tera-toora Language and literature
Matemáticas ma-te-mâ-tee-khas Mathematics
Historia is-to-ree-a History
Ciencias see-en-syas Science
  • Person 1: ¿Cuál es tu materia favorita? (What is your favorite subject?)
  • Person 2: Me encanta la literatura. (I love literature.)

School supplies

To go to school, you need some essential supplies. Here are some Spanish words for those items:

Spanish Pronunciation English
Lápiz lâ-pees Pencil
Cuaderno kwa-der-no Notebook
Mochila mo-chee-la Backpack
Regla red-la Ruler
  • Person 1: ¿Tienes un lápiz que me puedas prestar? (Do you have a pencil you can lend me?)
  • Person 2: Sí, aquí tienes. (Yes, here you go.)

University degrees

In Spain and Latin American countries, there is a specific terminology for university degrees. Here are some examples:

Spanish Pronunciation English
Licenciatura lee-then-syah-too-ra Bachelor's degree
Maestría ma-es-tree-a Master's degree
Doctorado dok-to-ra-do Doctorate degree
  • Person 1: ¿Qué estudias en la universidad? (What are you studying in university?)
  • Person 2: Estoy haciendo una maestría en economía. (I'm doing a master's degree in economics.)

Interesting facts

- Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world, and is an official language in 20 countries. - Spain's university system, especially the top universities, are on par with those of the United States and the United Kingdom, according to the QS World University Rankings. - UNESCO has three world heritage cities in Spain: Toledo, Córdoba, and Salamanca.

Remember that learning a language involves much more than just memorizing words. To improve your Spanish vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


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