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Hello polyglots, 😀

On this page you will learn about the Sci–Tech Index.


It is a project for science and technology learners, to cover concepts from primary schools to colleges.

I used to be the top student in the primary school on all subjects, but somehow lost interests in the school lectures. As I became an adolescent, I had difficulty to focus on those science lessons, because as the Internet became widespread, I discovered the overwhelmingly attractive world that those little buildings and the plentiful boring adults couldn't create, especially computer games. It's not the Internet's fault, because other things such as Chinese martialist fictions would attract me as well. That is adolescence. I decided to learn science, so I can explore the truth of the world, even if I was at the bottom in the class on that.

Those formations of pixel and electromagnetic vibrations were so powerful, altering my mood as they wish. But as time goes by, my horizon is broadened and my thinking is more organized, they could no longer be amazing as before for me. Besides that, most things have been losing their glamour as I become more and more familiar with them. Science and technology are not aloft as well. The only way to keep them fresh is to innovate with them.

“What can I do that helps myself and other people, to keep motivated in learning science?” I found out many reasons, like the abuse in the school by teachers, horrible teaching methods, but they are not what I can do with. I feel lucky that I could meet a few teachers that truly put students above most other things, including much of their own spare time, in such a Machiavellian world. Then I became aware that there should be a guide for everyone, in case they don't have the chance to meet people that improve their life fundamentally.

That's the story of why Sci-Tech Index came into being. I thought about creating a “concept catalogue”, then when I was creating flashcards with scientific terms, I made it briefer than the prototype, and it's online.


The standard of symbol usage is this:

  • Commas are used to separate synonyms by enumeration;
  • Semicolons are used to separate non-synonyms by enumeration;
  • Round brackets are used to indicate a specific meaning of a polyseme in the current page;
  • Square brackets are used to indicate irregular properties of a word, including its gender, plural form and irregular verb class;
  • Angle brackets (less-than and greater-than signs in fact) are used to indicate the location of an entry that is not on the current page;
  • Curly brackets are used to indicate the text escaped from above-mentioned rules;
  • Upward and downward arrows are used to indicate pitch accents for languages with two pitches;

As for the choice of name in multiple synonyms for a concept, the most precise one is chosen as the identifier and placed at first. If multiple names have the same precision, then the most commonly used one is placed before the other.


If the column you are working with is far away from the first, you can try editing source or if you wish to continue using the visual editor, you can open a new window of the page and align the windows side-by-side.

Pick the entries you are familiar with. It is not necessary to translate one by one because the corresponding words of some entries are not easily found in a language.


Further plans are writing a program that automatically fill the “prerequisite” except for eng-Latn-US, a program that sorts the entries in alphabetic order of eng-Latn-US, a program that checks redundant prerequisites, a program that allows finding what can be learned from what have been learned, a program that can be used to search.

The final goal is to make it available to select known concepts and the concepts to learn, then the program will generate a sequence of learning.

If you want to download all the tables to spreadsheets, you will need open-source tools like Copytables for Firefox, Chrome or Safari.

If you want to add a language-script-region triplex and have trouble adding columns, please contact me.


[nld] Dutch

  • has noun genders

[eng] English

  • has plural form of nouns when irregular

[deu] German

  • has noun genders when without adjective declension

[fra] French

  • has noun genders when without adjective declension

[pes] Iranian Persian

  • has diacritics

[jpn] Japanese

  • has Kana with pitch accents

[kor] Korean

  • has Hanja

[cmn] Mandarin Chinese

  • has Pinyin for China; has Bopomofo for Taiwan

[rus] Russian

  • has stress marks
  • has noun genders when irregular or without adjective declension

English pronunciation has been considered because of its irregularity, but the problem is 2-dimensional: there is no standard language or standard set of phonetic symbols for English. The phonetic notations vary from dictionary to dictionary. So this topic is suspended.

Name of Subject

cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
哲学 zhé xué Philosophie [f] philosophy philosophie [f] 哲学 て↑つ↓がく филосо́фия
逻辑学 luóji xué Logik [f] logic logique [f] 論理学 ろ↑んり↓がく ло́гика
形而上学 xíng'érshàng xué Metaphysik [f] metaphysics métaphysique [f] 形而上学 け↑いじじょ↓うがく метафи́зика

Natural Science and Engineering

cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
自然科学 zìrán kēxué Naturwissenschaft [f] natural science sciences [f pl] de la nature, sciences naturelles 自然科学 し↑ぜんか↓がく есте́ственные нау́ки
工程学 gōngchéng xué Ingenieurwissenschaft engineering ingénierie [f] 工学 こ↑うがく те́хника
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく pes-Aran-IR: رِشته rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
数学 shù xué Mathematik [f] mathematics mathématiques [f pl] 数学 すうがく матема́тика
数理逻辑 shùlǐ luóji mathematische Logik, symbolische Logik mathematical logic logique [f] mathématique, métamathématique [f] 数理論理学,記号論理学 す↑うりろんり↓がく, き↑ごうろんり↓がく математи́ческая ло́гика
范畴论 fànchóu lùna Kategorientheorie [f], kategorielle Algebra category theory théorie [f] des catégories [f pl] 圏論 け↑んろん тео́рия катего́рий
数论 shù lùn Zahlentheorie [f] number theory théorie [f] des nombres [m pl] 数論 す↑うろん نَظَریه اَعداد тео́рия чи́сел
代数 dàishù Algebra [f] algebra algèbre [f] 代数学 だ↑いす↓うがく а́лгебра
几何学 jǐhé xué Geometrie [f] geometry géométrie [f] 幾何学 き↑か↓がく геоме́трия
概率论 gàilǜ lùn Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie [f], Wahrscheinlichkeitsrechnung [f], Probabilistik [f] probability theory théorie [f] des probabilités [f pl] 確率論 か↑くりつ↓ろん тео́рия вероя́тностей
统计学 tǒngjì xué Statistik [f] statistics statistique [f] 統計学 と↑うけ↓いがく стати́стика
信息论 xìnxī lùn Informationstheorie [f] information theory théorie [f] de l'information [f] 情報理論 じょ↑うほうり↓ろん тео́рия информа́ции
数学分析 shùxué fēnxî Analysis [f] mathematical analysis analyse [f] 解析学 か↑いせき↓がく ана́лиз [м]
拓扑学 tuòpū xué Topologie [f] topology topologie [f] 位相幾何学 いそうきかがく тополо́гия
离散数学 lísǎn shùxué diskrete Mathematik discrete mathematics mathématiques discrètes 離散数学 り↑さんす↓うがく дискре́тная матема́тика
运算科学 yùnsuàn kēxué wissenschaftliches Rechnen computational science sciences [f pl] numériques 計算科学 け ↑いさんか↓がく вычисли́тельная нау́ка
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù cmn-Hant-TW: 科目 cmn-Bopo-TW: ㄎㄜ ㄇㄨˋ deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
物理学 wùlǐ xué Physik [f] physics physique [f] 物理学 ぶ↑つり↓がく фи́зика
计量单位 jìliáng dānwèi 計量單位 ㄐㄧˋ ㄌㄧㄤˊ ㄉㄢ ㄨㄟˋ Maßeinheit [f] unit of measurement unité [f] de mesure 物理単位 ぶ↑つりた↓んい едини́ца измере́ния
力学 lì xué Mechanik [f] mechanics mécanique [f] 力学 り↑き↓がく меха́ника
热力学 rè lìxué Thermodynamik [f] theormodynamics thermodynamique [f] 熱力学 ね↑つりき↓がく термодина́мика
光学 guāng xué Optik [f] optics optique [f] 光学 こ↑うがく о́птика
声学 shēng xué Akustik [f] acoustics acoustique [f] 音響学 お↑んきょ↓うがく аку́стика
电磁学 diàncí xué Elektromagnetismus [m] electromagnetism électromagnétisme [f] 電磁気学 で↑んじき↓がく электромагнети́зм
电子元件 diànzǐ yuánjiàn elektronischer Komponent electronic component composant [m] électronique 電子部品 で↑んしぶ↓ひん электро́нные компоне́нты
计量学 jìliáng xué Metrologie [f] metrology métrologie [f] 計量学,測定学,計測学,度量衡学 け↑いりょ↓うがく,そ↑くて↓いがく,け↑いそく↓がく,ど↑りょうこ↓うがく метроло́гия
粒子物理学,高能物理学 lìzǐ wùlǐxué, gǎonéng wùlǐxué Teilchenphysik [f] particle physics, high energy physics physique [f] des [f pl], physique [f] subatomique, physique [f] des hautes énergies [f pl] 素粒子物理学 そ↑りゅ↓うしぶ↑つり↓がく фи́зика элемента́рных части́ц
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
生物学 shēngwù xué Biologie [f] biology biologie [f] 生物学 せ↑いぶつ↓がく биоло́гия
细胞生物学 xìbāo shēngwùxué Zellbiologie [f], Zytologie [f], Zellenlehre [f] cell biology, cellular biology, cytology biologie cellulaire 細胞生物学 さいぼうせいぶつがく цитоло́гия, клеточная биология, биология клетки
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
化学 huà xué Chemie [f] chemistry chimie [f] 化学 か​↓がく хи́мия
化学元素 huàxué yuánsù chemisches Element chemical element élément [m] chimique 元素 げ↓んそ хими́ческий элеме́нт
computer science
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
材料科学 cáiliàn kēxué Materialwissenschaft [f] und Werkstofftechnik [f] material science science [f] des [m pl] 材料工学 ,材料科学 ざ↑いりょうこ↓うがく,ざ↑いりょうか↓がく материалове́дение
冶金学 yějīn xué Metallurgie [f], Hüttenwesen [n] metallurgy métallurgie [f] 金属工学,冶金学 き↑んぞくこ↓うがく,や↑き↓んがく металлу́ргия / металлурги́я
computer science
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
计算机科学 jìsuànjī kēxué Informatik [f] computer science informatique [f] 計算機科学 け↑いさんきか↓がく информа́тика
engineering in general
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
技术制图 jìshù zhìtú technisches Zeichnen technical drawing dessin [m] technique, dessin industriel 製図 せ↑いず чертёж
mechanical engineering
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù cmn-Hant-TW: 科目 cmn-Bopo-TW: ㄎㄜ ㄇㄨˋ deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
机械工程 jīxiè gōngchéng Maschinenbau, Maschinenwesen mechanical engineering génie [m] mécanique, l'ingénierie [f] mécanique 機械工学 き↑かいこ↓うがく машинострое́ние
机构 jī gòu Mechanismus [m] mechanism mécanisme [m] 機構学 き↑こ↓うがく механи́зм
机械零件 jīxiè língjiàn Maschinenelement [n] machine element pièce [f] métallique 機械要素 き↑かいよ↓うそ дета́ль [ж]
机床 jī chuáng 工具機 ㄍㄨㄥ ㄐㄩˋ ㄐㄧ Werkzeugmaschine [f] machine tool machine-outil [f] 工作機械 こ↑うさくき↓かい стано́к
摩擦学 mócā xué Tribologie [f] tribology tribologie [f] トライボロジー トラ↑イボ↓ロジー триболо́гия
液压和气动 yèyā hé qìdòng Hydraulik [f] und Pneumatik [f] hydraulics and pneumatics hydraulique [f] et pneumatique [f] 油圧と空圧 ゆ↑あつ↓とく↑うあつ гидра́влика и пневма́тика
发明家式任务解决理论 fāmíngjiā shì rènwù jiějué lǐlùn Theorie [f] des erfinderischen Problemlösens [n pl] theory of inventive problem solving théorie [f] de résolution des problèmes inventifs 発明的問題解決理論 は↑つめいてき↓も↑んだ↓いか↑いけつり↓ろん тео́рия реше́ния изобрета́тельских зада́ч
software engineering
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
软件工程 ruǎnjiàn gōngchéng Softwaretechnik [f], Softwaretechnologie [f] software engineering génie logiciel, ingénierie logicielle ソフトウェア工学 ソ↑フトウェアこ↓うがく програ́ммная инжене́рия
计算机语言 jìsuànjī yǔyán Computersprache [f] computer language langage [f] informatique コンピュータ言語 コ↑ンピュータげ↓んご компью́терный язы́к
system science
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
系统科学 xìtǒng kēxué Systemwissenschaft [f] system science science [f] des systèmes [m pl] システム科学 システム科学 системоло́гия
混沌理论 hùndùn lǐlùn Chaosforschung [f], Chaostheorie [f] chaos theory théorie [f] du chaos カオス理論 カ↑オスり↓ろん тео́рия ха́оса
控制论 kòngzhì lùn Kybernetik [f] cybernetics cybernétique [f] サイバネティックス サ↑イバネティ↓ックス киберне́тика
控制理论 kòngzhì lǐlùn Kontrolltheorie, Regelungstheorie control theory théorie [f] du contrôle 制御理論 せ↑いぎょり↓ろん тео́рия управле́ния
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
机器人学 jīqìrén xué Robotik [f], Robotertechnik [f] robotics robotique [f] ロボット工学 ロ↑ボットこ↓うがく робототе́хника

Social Science and Humanities

cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
社会科学 shèhuì kēxué Sozialwissenschaften [f pl], Gesellschaftswissenschaften [f pl] social science science sociale 社会科学 しゃ↑かいか↓がく обще́ственные нау́ки, социáльные нау́ки
人文学科 rénwén xuékē Studia [f pl] humanitatis humanities lettres [f pl] 人文科学,人文学 じ↑んぶんか↓がく,じ↑んぶんが↓く гуманита́рные нау́ки
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
人类学 rénlèi xué Anthropologie [f] anthropology anthropologie [f] 人類学 じ↑んる↓いがく антрополо́гия
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
心理学 xīnlǐ xué Psychologie [f] psychology psychologie [f] 心理学 し↑んり↓がく психоло́гия
cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
语言学 yǔyán xué Sprachwissenschaft [f], Linguistik [f] linguistics linguistique [f] 言語学 げ↑んご↓がく лингви́стика, языкозна́ние, языкове́дение

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