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RussianVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Health and Wellness

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will be focusing on vocabulary related to health and wellness in Russian. It is essential to learn these words and phrases as they are commonly used in everyday conversations. Whether you are discussing common illnesses, seeking medical help, or talking about staying healthy, this lesson will provide you with the necessary vocabulary to communicate effectively in these situations.

Common Illnesses[edit | edit source]

When it comes to discussing health, it is important to be familiar with common illnesses and their corresponding vocabulary. Here are some of the most frequently encountered illnesses and their Russian translations along with their pronunciations:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
простуда pro-stu-da cold
грипп grip flu
кашель kash-el' cough
боль в горле bol' v gor-le sore throat
головная боль go-lov-nai-a bol' headache
боль в животе bol' v zhi-vo-te stomachache
диарея di-a-re-ya diarrhea
аллергия al-ler-gi-ya allergy
температура tem-pe-ra-tu-ra fever
астма as-tma asthma
депрессия de-pres-si-ya depression

Medical Professions[edit | edit source]

When seeking medical help or discussing health-related issues, it is essential to know the relevant medical professions and their corresponding vocabulary. Here are some of the most common medical professions in Russian:

Russian Pronunciation English Translation
врач vrach doctor
медсестра med-sestra nurse
аптекарь ap-te-kar' pharmacist
хирург khi-rurg surgeon
стоматолог sto-ma-tolog dentist
психолог psi-ho-log psychologist
фармацевт far-ma-tsevt pharmacist
фельдшер fel'dsher paramedic
акушерка a-ku-sher-ka midwife

Staying Healthy[edit | edit source]

To maintain good health, it is crucial to adopt healthy habits and follow a balanced lifestyle. Here are some vocabulary words and phrases related to staying healthy:

Exercise and Fitness[edit | edit source]

To keep fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise is essential. Here are some words and phrases related to exercise and fitness:

  • физическая активность (fi-zi-ches-ka-ya ak-ti-vnost') - physical activity
  • тренировка (tre-ni-rov-ka) - workout
  • здоровый образ жизни (zdo-ro-vyj ob-raz zhiz-ni) - healthy lifestyle
  • бег (beg) - running
  • плавание (pla-va-ni-e) - swimming
  • йога (yo-ga) - yoga
  • гимнастика (gim-nas-ti-ka) - gymnastics
  • поддерживать форму (pod-der-zhi-vat' for-mu) - to stay in shape
  • силовые упражнения (si-lo-vye u-prazh-ne-ni-ya) - strength training

Diet and Nutrition[edit | edit source]

A balanced diet is crucial for overall well-being. Here are some words and phrases related to diet and nutrition:

  • питание (pi-ta-ni-e) - nutrition
  • здоровое питание (zdo-ro-vo-e pi-ta-ni-e) - healthy eating
  • овощи (o-vo-schi) - vegetables
  • фрукты (fruk-ty) - fruits
  • мясо (mya-so) - meat
  • рыба (ry-ba) - fish
  • злаки (zla-ki) - grains
  • молочные продукты (mo-loch-ny-e pro-duk-ty) - dairy products
  • вода (vo-da) - water
  • ограничить потребление (o-gra-ni-chit' pot-reb-le-ni-e) - to limit consumption

Mental Health[edit | edit source]

Taking care of your mental health is just as important as physical health. Here are some words and phrases related to mental health:

  • психическое здоровье (psi-hi-ches-ko-e zdo-ro-v'e) - mental health
  • стресс (stres) - stress
  • расслабление (ras-la-ble-ni-e) - relaxation
  • медитация (me-di-ta-tsi-ya) - meditation
  • сон (son) - sleep
  • самоуверенность (sa-mou-ve-ren-nost') - self-confidence
  • позитивное мышление (po-zi-tiv-no-e mysh-le-ni-e) - positive thinking
  • психотерапия (psi-ho-te-ra-pi-ya) - psychotherapy
  • медитативные практики (me-di-ta-tiv-ny-e prak-ti-ki) - mindfulness practices

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, you have learned a variety of vocabulary related to health and wellness in Russian. By familiarizing yourself with these words and phrases, you will be able to discuss common illnesses, seek medical help, and talk about staying healthy in Russian. Remember to practice using these new words in context to improve your fluency and build your vocabulary further. Stay healthy and continue your Russian language learning journey!

Table of Contents - Russian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Basic Phrases and Greetings

Nouns and Gender

Numbers and Time

Cases and Prepositions

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Conjugation

Food and Dining

Russian Traditions and Holidays

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Russian Literature and Arts

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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