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Russian Vocabulary - Family Members

Introduction[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we will explore the Russian words for different family members. Understanding family-related vocabulary is crucial in Russian, a language deeply rooted in family and relationships. Whether you're introducing your family or discussing them, this vocabulary will be invaluable. Let's enhance your understanding of Russian family terms!

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here's a list of Russian family members, complete with pronunciation guides and English translations:

Russian Pronunciation English
Мама Mah-mah Mother
Папа Pah-pah Father
Сестра Sehs-trah Sister
Брат Braht Brother
Дедушка Dyeh-doo-shkah Grandfather
Бабушка Bah-boo-shkah Grandmother
Сын Seen Son
Дочь Dohtch Daughter
Внук Vnook Grandson
Внучка Vnoo-chkah Granddaughter
Тётя Tyot-ya Aunt
Дядя Dyah-dyah Uncle
Кузен Koo-zyen Cousin (male)
Кузина Koo-zee-nah Cousin (female)
Племянник Plyeh-myah-neek Nephew
Племянница Plyeh-myah-neet-sah Niece

Usage[edit | edit source]

To effectively communicate about family in Russian, it's important to know how to use these vocabulary words in sentences. Below are several examples illustrating their usage:

  • Моя мама зовут Анна. (My mother's name is Anna.)
  • У меня есть брат. (I have a brother.)
  • Мой дедушка любит рыбалку. (My grandfather loves fishing.)
  • Моя бабушка – лучшая повариха. (My grandmother is the best cook.)
  • Мои родители работают врачами. (My parents work as doctors.)
  • Моя сестра учится в школе. (My sister studies at school.)
  • Мой сын играет в футбол. (My son plays football.)
  • Моя дочь умеет петь. (My daughter knows how to sing.)
  • Мои внуки очень любознательны. (My grandchildren are very curious.)
  • У моего племянника завтра день рождения. (My nephew has a birthday tomorrow.)
  • Моя тётя преподает математику. (My aunt teaches mathematics.)
  • Мой дядя живет в другом городе. (My uncle lives in another city.)
  • Мои кузены любят путешествовать. (My cousins love to travel.)
  • Моя племянница занимается балетом. (My niece is engaged in ballet.)
  • Мой кузен студент-медик. (My male cousin is a medical student.)

Note: In Russian, possessive pronouns like "моя" (my) and "мой" (my) change based on the gender of the noun they modify. "Моя" is used for feminine nouns, while "мой" is used for masculine nouns. It's crucial to match these pronouns correctly to ensure proper grammatical structure in sentences.

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Family holds a central place in Russian culture. It's common for extended families to live together, with grandparents playing an integral role in childcare and upbringing. This structure strengthens familial bonds and ensures the transfer of traditions.

"День Семьи" (Family Day), celebrated on July 8th, highlights the significance of family in Russia. It's a day of gathering, celebration, and appreciation of family ties.

Practice[edit | edit source]

Test your knowledge with these exercises:

Exercise 1[edit | edit source]

Match the Russian terms with their English counterparts:

  • Мама
  • Брат
  • Сестра
  • Папа

a. Sister b. Brother c. Father d. Mother

Exercise 2[edit | edit source]

Fill in the blanks with the correct family member:

  • У меня есть две ______. (I have two sisters.)
  • Моя ______ очень любит читать. (My mother loves to read.)
  • Мой ______ увлекается футболом. (My father is fond of football.)
  • Моя ______ учится в университете. (My sister studies at university.)
  • Мои _______ часто рассказывают мне интересные истории. (My grandparents often tell me interesting stories.)

Exercise 3[edit | edit source]

Form sentences using these family members:

  • Дедушка
  • Внучка
  • Тётя
  • Племянник
  1. Мой _______ всегда знает, как меня рассмешить. (My grandfather always knows how to make me laugh.)
  2. Моя _______ очень талантлива в искусстве. (My granddaughter is very talented in art.)
  3. _______ купила мне книгу на день рождения. (My aunt bought me a book for my birthday.)
  4. _______ ходит в школу рядом с нашим домом. (My nephew goes to school near our house.)

Exercise 4[edit | edit source]

Translate these sentences from English to Russian:

  1. My brother's daughter is very smart.
  2. Our family loves to travel together.
  3. Her uncle works as a doctor.
  4. I often play chess with my cousin.

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Exercise 1 Solutions[edit | edit source]

Match the Russian terms with their English counterparts:

  • Мама - d. Mother
  • Брат - b. Brother
  • Сестра - a. Sister
  • Папа - c. Father

Exercise 2 Solutions[edit | edit source]

Fill in the blanks with the correct family member:

  • У меня есть две сестры. (I have two sisters.)
  • Моя мама очень любит читать. (My mother loves to read.)
  • Мой папа увлекается футболом. (My father is fond of football.)
  • Моя сестра учится в университете. (My sister studies at university.)
  • Мои дедушка и бабушка часто рассказывают мне интересные истории. (My grandparents often tell me interesting stories.)

Exercise 3 Solutions[edit | edit source]

Form sentences using these family members:

  1. Мой дедушка всегда знает, как меня рассмешить. (My grandfather always knows how to make me laugh.)
  2. Моя внучка очень талантлива в искусстве. (My granddaughter is very talented in art.)
  3. Тётя купила мне книгу на день рождения. (My aunt bought me a book for my birthday.)
  4. Племянник ходит в школу рядом с нашим домом. (My nephew goes to school near our house.)

Exercise 4 Solutions[edit | edit source]

Translate these sentences from English to Russian:

  1. Дочь моего брата очень умна. (My brother's daughter is very smart.)
  2. Наша семья любит путешествовать вместе. (Our family loves to travel together.)
  3. Её дядя работает врачом. (Her uncle works as a doctor.)
  4. Я часто играю в шахматы со своим кузеном. (I often play chess with my cousin.)

Summary[edit | edit source]

You've learned essential Russian vocabulary for family members and how to use these words in context. Understanding these terms will enrich your conversations and help you connect more deeply with Russian speakers. Regular practice will reinforce your learning and deepen your appreciation for Russian family culture.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Family members in Russian. Learn Russian easily. - YouTube[edit | edit source]

How to Talk about Your Family in Russian? - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Table of Contents - Russian Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Basic Phrases and Greetings

Nouns and Gender

Numbers and Time

Cases and Prepositions

Family and Relationships

Verbs and Conjugation

Food and Dining

Russian Traditions and Holidays

Travel and Transportation

Adjectives and Adverbs

Hobbies and Leisure Activities

Russian Literature and Arts

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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