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Thai Grammar → Pronouns → Subject Pronouns

As a Thai language teacher for over 20 years, I have seen many students struggle with subject pronouns. However, with patience and practice, anyone can master these essential components of Thai grammar. In this lesson, we will cover the subject pronouns in Thai and how to use them in sentences.

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Gender & Adverbs of Time.

What are Subject Pronouns?

Subject pronouns are words that replace a subject in a sentence. They are commonly used in Thai and are essential in every conversation. Here are the subject pronouns in Thai:

Thai Pronunciation English
ฉัน chǎn I, me
เขา kǎo he, him, she, her
เรา rao we, us
พวกเขา pûak-kǎo they, them (more than 2 people)

Now let's look at some examples.

  • ฉันชอบกินอาหารไทย (Chǎn chôrp kin aa-hǎan thai) - I like to eat Thai food
  • เขานั่งอยู่บนเก้าอี้ (Kǎo nâng yùu bon gáo-îi) - He is sitting on the chair
  • เราเดินเล่นสวนสาธารณะ (Rao dern len sǔan-sǎa-thá-rá-ná) - We are walking in the public park
  • พวกเขากำลังตั้งแผนเดินทาง (Pûak-kǎo gam-lang dtâng pǎen dern-taang) - They are planning a trip

Using Subject Pronouns in Sentences

Subject pronouns can be used in various situations, such as asking and answering questions, giving and receiving information, and expressing opinions. Let's look at some examples:

  • คุณชื่ออะไร (Khun chêu à-rai?) - What is your name?
    • ฉันชื่อเอ็ม (Chǎn chêu em) - My name is Em
  • เขาเป็นคนไทย (Kǎo bpen khon thai) - He/She is Thai
  • เราซื้อข้าวกี่สิบบาท (Rao súe kâao gìi sìp-bâat) - We bought rice for how much?
    • เราซื้อข้าวเจ็ดสิบบาท (Rao súe kâao jèt sìp-bâat) - We bought rice for 70 Baht
  • พวกเขาชอบดูหนัง (Pûak-kǎo chôrp duu năng) - They like to watch movies

Tips for Using Subject Pronouns

To make sure you are using subject pronouns correctly, keep these tips in mind:

  • Always use a subject pronoun instead of repeating a subject in a sentence
  • The same pronoun can be used for both he and she in Thai (เขา)
  • Use พวก (pûak) as a prefix for plurals and groups (พวกเขา)

Now that you know the subject pronouns in Thai, practice using them in sentences. As always, practice makes perfect, and with time and dedication, you will be able to use subject pronouns with ease.


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