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KazakhGrammar0 to A1 Course → Prepositions and Postpositions → Compound Prepositions and Postpositions


In this lesson, we will delve into the intricacies of Kazakh grammar by exploring compound prepositions and postpositions. Building on the foundation of simple prepositions and postpositions, we will learn how to use these more complex structures in the construction of complex sentences. This topic is essential for understanding the nuances of the Kazakh language and expressing more sophisticated ideas. By the end of this lesson, you will have a solid grasp of compound prepositions and postpositions, and be able to use them confidently in your own Kazakh communication.

Compound Prepositions and Postpositions

Compound prepositions and postpositions are formed by combining a simple preposition or postposition with another word or phrase. These combinations create new meanings and allow for a greater range of expression in Kazakh. Let's explore some common compound prepositions and postpositions and their usage in complex sentences.

Compound Prepositions

Compound prepositions are used to indicate relationships between objects, locations, or actions. They are formed by combining a simple preposition with a noun, pronoun, or adverb. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
арасында arasında between
ортасында ortasında in the middle of
департаулар арасында departaular arasında among the participants
артында artında behind
ортасында ortasında in the center of
алдында aldynda in front of
жануарлар арасында januarlar arasında among the animals

In the examples above, we can see how the compound prepositions modify the meaning of the simple prepositions. For instance, "арасында" (arasında) combines the simple preposition "ара" (ara) meaning "between" with the noun "сыйлықтар" (sıylıqtar) meaning "gifts" to create the compound preposition "сыйлықтар арасында" (sıylıqtar arasında), which means "between the gifts". Similarly, "артында" (artında) combines the simple preposition "арты" (artı) meaning "behind" with the noun "түрлер" (türler) meaning "species" to create the compound preposition "түрлер артында" (türler artında), which means "behind the species".

Compound prepositions can also be formed by combining a simple preposition with a pronoun or adverb. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
оның артында onıñ artynda behind him/her
оның алдында onıñ aldynda in front of him/her
сенің бірің арасында seniñ biriñ arasında between you and me
олардың ішінде olardyñ ishinde among them

In these examples, the simple prepositions "артында" (artında) and "алдында" (aldynda) are combined with the pronouns "оның" (onıñ) meaning "him/her" and "сенің" (seniñ) meaning "you" to create compound prepositions that indicate relationships between different individuals or groups.

Compound Postpositions

Compound postpositions are used to indicate relationships between verbs, adjectives, or nouns. They are formed by combining a simple postposition with a verb, adjective, or noun. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
әріппен ärippen with the letter
бірге birge together
бірге бастау birge bastaý to start together
арқылы arqyly through
арқылы өту arqyly ötw to pass through
артында artında after
артында бару artında barw to go after

In these examples, we can see how the compound postpositions modify the meaning of the simple postpositions. For example, "әріппен" (ärippen) combines the simple postposition "пен" (pen) meaning "with" with the noun "әріп" (ärip) meaning "letter" to create the compound postposition "әріппен" (ärippen), which means "with the letter". Similarly, "арқылы" (arqyly) combines the simple postposition "ы" (y) meaning "through" with the verb "өту" (ötü) meaning "to pass" to create the compound postposition "арқылы өту" (arqyly ötw), which means "to pass through".

Compound postpositions can also be formed by combining a simple postposition with a verb, adjective, or noun. Here are some examples:

Kazakh Pronunciation English Translation
алдында оқу aldynda oqý to read before
артында бару artında barw to go after
олардың ішінде olardyñ ishinde among them
қарсысында тұру qarsysında twru to stand against

In these examples, the simple postpositions "алдында" (aldynda) and "артында" (artında) are combined with the verbs "оқу" (oqý) meaning "to read" and "бару" (barw) meaning "to go" to create compound postpositions that indicate relationships between different actions or states.

Cultural Insights

The usage of compound prepositions and postpositions in Kazakh language varies across different regions and is influenced by historical factors. In the southern regions of Kazakhstan, for example, the compound preposition "арасында" (arasında) is commonly used to indicate "between", whereas in the northern regions, the compound preposition "артында" (artında) is preferred. This regional variation reflects the historical influence of different Turkic tribes and their dialects on the Kazakh language.

Interesting Fact: The compound preposition "олардың ішінде" (olardyñ ishinde) meaning "among them" is often used in Kazakh oral tradition to describe the inclusion and diversity within a group. This reflects the nomadic heritage of the Kazakh people, who have historically lived in close-knit communities and valued inclusivity.

Practice Exercises

Now let's put our knowledge of compound prepositions and postpositions to practice with some exercises.

Exercise 1: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate compound preposition or postposition.

1. Кітаптар ___________ жерде тұрды. (арасында / артында) 2. Сенің бірің ___________ менің арасында. (арасында / артында) 3. Мекенің ___________ қала арасында. (арасында / артында) 4. Мектеп ___________ жерде тұр. (арасында / артында)

Exercise 2: Translate the following sentences into Kazakh.

1. I am standing behind the tree. 2. The cat is running between the houses. 3. We are going after the bus. 4. He is reading before eating.

Exercise Solutions

Exercise 1:

1. Кітаптар __арасында__ жерде тұрды. 2. Сенің бірің __арасында__ менің арасында. 3. Мекенің __арасында__ қала арасында. 4. Мектеп __арасында__ жерде тұр.

Exercise 2:

1. Мен ағаштық __артында__ тұрмын. 2. Мысықтар __арасында__ үріп жатыр. 3. Біз автобустан __артында__ баратын жатамыз. 4. Ол жеме __алдында__ оқып жатады.


In this lesson, we have explored the world of compound prepositions and postpositions in the Kazakh language. We have learned how these structures are formed by combining simple prepositions and postpositions with nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs. Through examples and exercises, we have practiced using compound prepositions and postpositions to express a wide range of relationships and meanings. By mastering this aspect of Kazakh grammar, you will be able to construct more nuanced and complex sentences in your communication. Keep practicing and exploring the rich grammar of the Kazakh language, and you will continue to progress on your journey to fluency.

Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment

Other Lessons

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