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Kazakh Grammar → → Possessive Adjectives

Possessive adjectives are words that describe ownership or possession of a certain noun. In Kazakh, possessive adjectives are formed by adding suffixes to the end of a noun or pronoun. These suffixes indicate the person, number and case of the possessor.

For example:

  • Менің кітапым - Meniń kïtapym - My book (Literally: The book of me)
  • Сенің қонысың - Seniń qonysyń - Your house (Literally: The house of you)
  • Өзіміздің мектебіміз - Özimizdiń mektebimiz - Our school (Literally: The school of ourselves)

As you may notice in the examples, the possessive endings always agree with the possessor in terms of person and number.

Here are the possessive adjectives in Kazakh:

Person Singular Possessive Suffix - 1st Person ('I', 'we') -ım, -im, -um, -ym - 2nd Person ('you') -ıń, -iń, -yń - 3rd Person ('he', 'she', 'it', 'they') -ı, -i, -y -ı, -i, -ylar, -dAr

Note: The plural possessive suffix depends on the vowel harmony of the preceding vowel.

Here are some examples of possessive adjectives in context:

  • Біздің отбасымыз - Bizdiń otbasymyz - Our family (Literally: The family of ourselves)
  • Сіздің қызыңыз - Sizdiń qyzyńyz - Your daughter (Literally: The daughter of you)
  • Олардың мектебі - Olardyń mektebi - Their school (Literally: The school of they)

As you can see, the possessive adjectives are essentially suffixes that attach to the end of the noun. They can be used in a variety of contexts and are essential for expressing ownership and possession in Kazakh.

Spelling Rules

When adding a possessive suffix to a noun or pronoun, there are some spelling rules you need to follow:

1. If the noun ends in а, о, у or ы, add -ым, -ім, -yм or -ум for first person singular possessive form. Add -ymyz, -ińyz for the first person plural possessive form.

Example: дүкен (store)

  • Менің дүкенім - Meniń dükemim - My store (Literally: The store of me)
  • Біздің дүкеніміз - Bizdiń dükemimiz - Our store (Literally: The store of ourselves)

2. If the noun ends in е, і, or ө, add -ім, -ым, -iм, -ym for the first person singular possessive form. Add -ymyz, -ińyz for the first person plural possessive form.

Example: өркөк (star)

  • Менің өркөкім - Meniń örkökim - My star (Literally: The star of me)
  • Біздің өркөкіміз - Bizdiń örkökimiz - Our star (Literally: The star of ourselves)

3. If the noun ends in и, ең, or ен, add -ім, -ым, -iм, -ym for the first person singular possessive form. Add -ymyz, -ińyz for the first person plural possessive form.

Example: алма (apple)

  • Менің алмам - Meniń almam - My apple (Literally: The apple of me)
  • Біздің алмамыз - Bizdiń almamyz - Our apple (Literally: The apple of ourselves)

4. If the noun ends in ұ, add -ым, -ім, -yм, -um for the first person singular possessive form. Add -ymyz, -ińyz for the first person plural possessive form.

Example: ұшқыш (bird)

  • Менің ұшқышым - Meniń üşküşim - My bird (Literally: The bird of me)
  • Біздің ұшқышымыз - Bizdiń üşküşimiz - Our bird (Literally: The bird of ourselves)


Here are some more examples of possessive adjectives in Kazakh:

Kazakh Pronunciation English
Менің ұялым Meniń yalym My dream
Сіздердің үйіңіз Sizderdiń üyińiz Your house
Олардың куәлігі Olardyń kwälïgi Their car (Literally: The car of they)
Біздің столымыз Bizdiń stolymyz Our table (Literally: The table of ourselves)


Translate the following phrases into Kazakh:

  1. Their books
  2. My friend
  3. Your (singular) apartment
  4. Our garden
  5. His car


Table of Contents - Kazakh Course - 0 to A1

Kazakh Pronunciation

Greetings and Basic Expressions

Kazakh Cases

Food and Drink


Traditions and Customs

Family and Relationships


Traveling and Directions


Shopping and Consumerism

Art and Literature


Health and Medical Emergencies

Sports and Recreation

Prepositions and Postpositions

Nature and Environment


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