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Camping in Venetian
Camping in Venetian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨CAMPING¨ in Venetian

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Happy learning ! :)

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Venetian Vocabulary, Basic Phrases in Venetian, Past Tense in Venetian & Animal.

Some words for Camping in Venetian[edit | edit source]








The tree lahl bah roh L`albaro laL bá ro A árvore
The forest ehl bohs koh El bosco eL bós ko A floresta
The stick el bahs tohn El baston eL bas tón O pau
The fruit yah froo tah Ła fruta iá fruu ta A fruta
The seed yah seh mih Ła sémi iá sé mi A semente
The leaf yah foh jih ah Ła fogia iá fó djia A folha
The root yah rah ih tsah Ła raixa iá ra í tsa A raiz
The bark 

(of a tree)

yah skohr tsah

(deh lahl bah roh)

Ła scorza

(de l`albaro)

iá skor tsa

(de laL bá ro)

A casca

(de uma árvore)

The flower lah fih ohr Ła fior iá fi ór A flor
The grass yehr bah Ł`èrba iér ba A grama
The rope yah kohr dah Ła corda ia kór da A corda

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