Language/Ukrainian/Grammar/Adverbs of quantity: how many

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By their meaning they are quite similar to English adverbs of degree.

For example:

дуже — very

занадто — too

багато — many, much, a lot

забагато — too many, too much

трохи — few, little, a bit

мало — few, little

замало — very few, very little

You can use some of these adverbs to increase or decrease the meaning of other adverbs (as well as comparative ones):

Вона дуже швидко бігає. — She runs very fast.

Він знає про цей фільм трохи більше ніж ти. — He knows about this movie a bit more than you.

Чи не могли б ви говорити трохи тихіше? — Would you mind talking a bit quiter?


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