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Turkmen Vocabulary - Express Surprise

Hi Turkmen learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to express surprise in Turkmen. Surprise is a universal emotion that can be expressed in many ways. By learning how to express surprise in Turkmen, you will be able to better communicate with native speakers and better understand the language.

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: How to say Good Bye? & Basic Greetings.

Basic Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Let's start with some basic vocabulary related to surprise.

Turkmen Pronunciation English
Gumandan durmak! guh-man-dan durr-muk Stop the clouds! (Wow!)
Hep bahar gulleri! hep ba-har gul-le-ri All spring flowers! (Amazing!)
Şatlyk meniň gözlerimekaçdy! shat-lyk me-nyn guhz-le-ri-me ka-ch-dy Happiness jumped into my eyes! (I'm so happy!)
Gapyň açylmadygy bilen gap-yn a-chyl-ma-dy-ghy bi-len With an open mouth (Speechless)
Nikä siňňa arzan eken! ni-ka sin-nya ar-zan e-ken Isn't it cheap for you! (Really?)
Bellä diňleýin! bel-la din-le-yyyn Listen to the wind (Wow!)
Yzyna döwbelli bäş adam bar. yzy-na dov-bel-li baash a-dam bar There are five people on your hair (I am surprised!)
Kimdi bu Gala?/Gala kim?. kim-di bu ga-la? / gala kim? Who is this Gala? / Who is Gala? (Who is that?)

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Use the following dialogue to practice expressing surprise in different situations:

  • Person 1: Gumandan durmak!
  • Person 2: Gumandan durmak?
  • Person 1: Ha, Gumandan durmak!


  • Person 1: Stop the clouds!
  • Person 2: Stop the clouds?
  • Person 1: Yeah, Stop the clouds!

Using Analogies to Express Surprise[edit | edit source]

Analogies are a great way to explain complex concepts. Here are some Turkmen analogies to express surprise:

Turkmen Pronunciation English
Gaýdyňy etmek gaay-dy-ny et-mek Jump out of the skin (To be really surprised)
Gözüňi bellä almak guh-zuu-nyi bel-la al-mak Take eyes and listen (To be all attention or amazed)
Ýüpüň tonaýdy yi-u-pyun toh-naa-ydy The mouth became round (To express great surprise)
Tutyňa golaýy tu-tynya go-laai Sigh like a volcano (To be really surprised)
Goşaňy çykarmak go-shany chy-kar-mak Bring out the stone (To be very surprised or shocked)

Usage of Idioms[edit | edit source]

Idioms are phrases that have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words. Here are some Turkmen idioms to express surprise:

Turkmen Pronunciation English
Düşüň aň-maşy durmak! du-shyn an-mashy durr-muk Stop thinking and looking! (Wow!)
Kepderi yzaýarys! ke-pde-ri yzaa-ya-rys Cut the liver! (To show very strong emotions)
Ýelmançy gargaşdyrdy. yel-man-chy gar-gash-dyrdy The magician shocked (To be really surprised)

Fun Facts[edit | edit source]

Did you know that the Turkmen people have a proverb “Alabai enesi ak yoksa ýaratmadyk” which means "If the dog's father is not white that means we did not create him" referring to the proud attitude of this breed's owners?

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we learned how to express surprise in Turkmen using basic vocabulary, analogies, and idioms. Remember that the best way to practice is to use the language with native speakers. To find native speakers and ask them any questions, you can use the Polyglot Club website. You can also check out the Vocabulary page to improve your vocabulary. Keep practicing and soon you will be able to communicate more effectively in Turkmen!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

With this lesson finished, you may want to explore these additional pages: Animals & Clothes.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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