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Tajik Grammar - Give your Opinion

Hi Tajik learners! 😊

In this lesson, we will learn how to give our opinion in Tajik, which is an essential skill in any language. Tajik is a language of the Persian family, spoken mainly in Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. It shares many similarities with other Persian languages, and its grammar is relatively easy to learn.

Before we start, if you want to improve your Tajik find native speakers and ask them any questions. You can also check the Grammar section of the Polyglot Club website.

Basic Opinion Phrases[edit | edit source]

To express our opinion, we can use the following phrases:

Tajik Pronunciation English
Ман мисл мекунам. Man misl mekunam. I think.
Ман ба ин ҷо мерасам. Man ba in jo merasam. In my opinion.
Бичораҳои ман ҳамчун ин буданд. Bichoraho-i man hamchun in budand. My choices were like this.

Agreeing and Disagreeing[edit | edit source]

When we agree with someone, we can use the following phrases:

Tajik Pronunciation English
Хуб аст. Khub ast. That's good.
Ман ҳам ба ин ҷо розӣ дорам. Man ham ba in jo rozi doram. I also like it here.
Бале, дарозии шумо дуруст аст. Bale, darozii shumo durust ast. Yes, you are right.

On the other hand, when we disagree with someone, we can use the following phrases:

Tajik Pronunciation English
Ҳеҷ, бо шумо розӣ надорам. Hej, bo shumo rozi nadoram. No, I don't like it.
Ман ба ин ҷо роқнам. Man ba in jo roqnam. I disagree.
Не, дарозии шумо нодуруст аст. Ne, darozii shumo nodurust ast. No, you are wrong.

Let's practice. Imagine you are discussing a movie with a friend:

  • Person 1: Ман бехатарин қисматро дидам. (Man behatarin qismatro didam.) - I saw the best part.
  • Person 2: Ман ҳам бехатарин қисматро дидам. (Man ham behatarin qismatro didam.) - I also saw the best part.
  • Person 1: Ман ба худфаришхона будам. (Man ba khudfarihsona budam.) - I was at the cinema.
  • Person 2: Ман ҳам ба онҷо раванд. (Man ham ba onjo ravand.) - I also went there.
  • Person 1: То шумояр молоҳиза қарда аст? (To shumo yar moloҳiza qarda ast?) - What's your opinion?
  • Person 2: Ман филмовародирасам. (Man filmovarodirasam.) - I think it's a great movie.

Using Adjectives[edit | edit source]

To express our opinion about something, we can also use adjectives. Adjectives in Tajik come after the noun and agree with it in gender and number.

In Tajik, most adjectives end in -ӣ, -ена, -он, or -шуда. Here are some common adjectives we can use to express our opinion:

Tajik Pronunciation English
хуб khub good
бад bad bad
ақоҳирроҳ aqohirroh best
бехатар behatar better

Let's practice. Imagine you are discussing a restaurant with a friend:

  • Person 1: Ин ресторан хуб аст. (In restoran khub ast.) - This restaurant is good.
  • Person 2: Ман ҳам ба ин ресторан роҳ дорам. (Man ham ba in restoran roh doram.) - I also like this restaurant.
  • Person 1: Ба ту моҳтаРин ресторанро медонистам. (Ba tu Mohatarin restorantro medonistam.) - I showed you the best restaurant.
  • Person 2: Ман шӯрип натавонам, ба ин интихобро азат шавам. (Man shurip natavonam, ba in intikhorro azat shavam.) - I'm sorry, I couldn't choose this selection.

Expressing Preference[edit | edit source]

To express our preference, we can use the following phrases:

Tajik Pronunciation English
Ман фарзандемро дӯст медорам. Man farzandemro dust medoram. I like my children.
Ман филмҳои камедияро дӯст медорам. Man filmmho-i kamedi-yaro dust medoram. I like comedy movies.
Ман ҳамаи насваро дӯст медарӣ. Man hama-i nasvaro dust medari. I like all types of music.

Let's practice. Imagine you are discussing music with a friend:

  • Person 1: Ту музикаи чӣ-ҳоро дӯст дори? (Tu muzikai chihoro dust dari?) - What type of music do you like?
  • Person 2: Ман ҳамаи نавои моҳаббатро дӯст дорам. (Man hama-i navoi mohabbatro dust doram.) - I like all kinds of love songs.
  • Person 1: Ман навои турсишро дӯст дорам. (Man navoi tursishro dust doram.) - I like rock music.
  • Person 2: Ёфтам, шумо рӯзӣ ӯӣ нигаҳ доштед. (Yoftam, shumo ruzi ui nigaҳ doshted.) - I see, you had a daily gaze.

Remember, expressing your opinion in Tajik is not only about language, but also about culture. Feel free to share your preferences and ask your native speaking friends for their recommendations on movies, music, and restaurants.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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