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Essencial Phrases in Algerian Arabic
Essencial Phrases in Algerian Arabic

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn how to use the ¨ESSENCIAL PHRASES¨ in Algerian Arabic

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Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Fruits & Time.

Essencial Phrases in Algerian Arabic[edit | edit source]







Cheers! بصحتك beh SahH tehk ! Saúde!
Do you speak



بالانجليزي ؟

taH dar

behl ihn glee zee ?

Você fala


Do you speak

Algerian Arabic ?


بالجزائري ؟

taH dar

behl zhah zeh ay ree ?

Você fala

Árabe Argelino ?

Do you understand? نت تفهم ؟ nih tah tihf hehm ? Você entende?
Excuse me! سمح لي smahH lee Com licença!
Fire! النار ihn naar Fogo!
Good morning صباح الخير Sih baH li-Heer Bom dia
Good afternoon مسا الخير mih saa li-Heer Boa tarde
Good evening  مسا الخير mih saa li-Heer Boa tarde
Good night تصبح على خير tehS bahH aAla Heer Boa noite
Goodbye بقاو على خير bih kow aAla Heer Tchau!
Hello سلام sah laam Olá
Help! يا لخوة


yah lih how ah

lahH Qoo nee

Hi! سلام sah laam Oi!
How are you? واش راك ؟ ou ahsh raak ? Como vai?
How do you say ...

in Algerian Arabic ?

كفاش نكولو ...


kih fehsh nih koo luu ...

behl zhah zeh ay ree ?

Como você fala ...

em Árabe Argelino ?

How much is this? شحال السومة ؟ shih Hehl ihs soo mah ? Quanto é?
I don't understand ما فهمتش mahf hah mih teesh Eu não entendo
I love you نحبّك nih hahb behk Eu te amo
I understand نفهم nihf hehm Eu entendo
What is your name ? واسّمك ؟ ou ahs mahk ? Qual é seu nome ?
My name is ... واسّمني ؟ ou ahs sehm nee ... Meu nome é ...
Over there  لهيه lih heeH Bem ali!
Please يرهم باباك yehr Hehm bah behk ! Por favor!
Please say

that again

يرحم باباك، تهدر

مرة خرى

yehr Hehm bah behk,

tahH dahr mahr rah hou rah

Por favor, fale novamente
Please speak

more slowly

يرهم باباك، تهدر


yehr Hehm bah behk !

tahH dahr blaA Qahl

Por favor,

fale mais devagar

Pleased to meet you متشرفين maht shahr feen Muito prazer!
I am fine, thanks لاباءس، حمدالله laa baas, Ham dool leh Eu tô bem, Obrigado
You´re welcome بلا مزية blah mih zee yah De nada
Sorry سمحلي smahH lee Desculpe!
Thank you very much صحّة SahH Hah ! Muito obrigado!

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