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Parts of the body in Algerian Arabic
Parts of the body in Algerian Arabic

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn how to use the ¨PARTS OF THE BODY¨ in Algerian Arabic

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: How to Say Hello and Greetings & Pronouns in Algerian Arabic.

Parts of the body in Algerian Arabic[edit | edit source]







The hairs الشعر ish shaAr Os cabelos
The head الراس ihr-raas A cabeça
The ear الودن ih loo dehn A orelha
The eye العين ih laA een O olho
The nose النيف ihn neef O nariz
The mouth الفم ihl fohm A boca
The tooth السنّة ihs sehn nah O dente
The tongue (organ) اللسان ihl lih saan A língua (órgão)
The fingernail الضفارتين ihD Dfaar tayn A unha
The foot الرجل ihr rih zhehl O pé
The leg الركبة ihr rouk bah A perna
The knee الركبة ihr rouk bah O joelho
The hand اليد ih lee ehdd A mão
The neck الرقبة ihr rahQ bah O pescoço
The back الظهر ihz zooHr As costas
The heart القلب lih Qahlb O coração
The forehead الجبهة ihzh zhehb hah A testa

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