Intro Meeting!

شرح رویداد

  • تاریخ: Nov 04, 2017
  • وقت. زمان: 15:00
  • آدرس : آدرس برای شرکت کنندگان قابل مشاهده است
  • قیمت،نرخ،بها،ارزش: Street parking€
  • Number of Attendees expected: 5
  • MAX number of attendees: 30

A meeting to introduce the NJ Polyglot community to each other! 

We will be introducing each other, getting an idea of which languages people want to learn the most, and setting a course of action to learn!

آنها درباره ما صحبت می کنند!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


شرکت کنندگان1