Russia - polyglot شبکه

به شبکه چند زبانی!Russiaخوش آمدید

Image known to the whole world

Умом Россию не понять, Аршином общим не измерить: У ней особенная стать, В Россию можно только верить.

Nocomprehension by wise head, No measurement by square yard 'Coz Russia has its own stand, The optimum is to believe in Russland...

Welcome to our country!  Russia is one of the largest countries in the world, it is a great land thatspreads for many kilometers and spans eleven time zones and twocontinents. The country combines in its culture something taken frompractical West and at the same time a lot taken from attractive East. Itis one ofthe oldest, one of the most beautiful countries in the world and itremains to be one of the most mysterious places for the foreigners.Traveling to Russia and visiting memorial places enables you to learnRussian history, some of the Russian traditions and to meet Russianpeople, who are famous for the warm hospitality. Stepup towards Russia!


vincent profile picture vincentNovember 2009

Here is a nice message from  Descartes  Browse profile in details about 

Polyglot Event Traditional Meeting SUNDAYs Thanks Alex!!

Was glad to join this party! There was a warm friendly atmosphere I found. I felt I belonged. Thanks to everyone who was there, and my special thanks to those who created and started these wonderful meetings!   

aimty profile picture aimtySeptember 2009

Dear  Russians and learners of Russian,

My name is Ahmed. I  am from Egypt, North Africa. I was wondering if I can exchange my language with Russin Language. I  know both Arabic and English. Also, I  have interests with many other languags.

if you are interested please contact me soon..




29Y, Egypt, North Africa

Mansourah City, Dakahlia Governorate

nigel1 profile picture nigel1June 2009



My name is Nigel Palmer I am 30 years old and I live  on the North East coast of England. I am collecting postcards/covers from around the world with beautiful stamps on and as many as possible for a charity, Marie Curie Cancer Research and would love one from your beautiful country. When I have collected a lot I will be auctioning them off for the charity. My address is Nigel Palmer, 53 Neptune Drive, Bridlington, East Yorkshire, YO16 4EF, England. I would also like a penfriend and hope we can become good friends. I like sports football, surfing, walking, mountain biking and skiing, friendships, history, culture and travel and music and movies. I love writing. I am a lot of fun and single and am looking for penfriends worldwide. I hope you would like to write to me. Age and gender not important only true friendship.


Take care,



AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRMay 2009


Приветствую вас, дорогие Полиглоты!
Предлагается возродить традицию языковых недель на встречах
и начать с Итальянского языка
Регистрируйтесь, пишите комментарии,
приглашайте друзей,  знакомых, в особенности итальянцев
До встреч!

Итальянская неделя запланирована на 28 и 31 Maя, 
на том же месте в тот же час,  что и обычные встречи

Ciao, dear Polyglots!
There is an offer to restore to life our tradition of language weeks!
Let's start with Italian
Please, register to the meeting, write your comments/suggestions,
invite your friends, pals, especially italian
See you at the meetings!

It'll happen 28th & 31st of May at the regular gatherings:  LINK1 LINK2

Alex, the Moscow Polyglot



Crisrice profile picture CrisriceApril 2009

Ciao a tutti, privetik!

Mi chiamo Cristiano ed i giorni 30 aprile e 1 maggio sarò a San Pietroburgo con la mia famiglia ed altri amici italiani che vengono a trovarmi prima a Mosca, dove abito da 3 anni, per poi appunto spostarsi con me appunto a Peter.

Mando questo messaggio per sapere se qualche persona russa fosse interessata ad incontrarci in questa splendida città per conoscerci, fare quattro chiacchere in italiano e magari aiutare o suggerire dove andare e cosa fare.

La mia mail è questa:  [contact me: Crisrice]

Sarò felice di rispondervi!

Ciao, poka e grazie,


AssESSoR profile picture AssESSoRMarch 2009
This post is dedicated to the event happening this May in Paris,

I mean the Polyglot Tower of Babel Meeting on 24th of May.

If you're just planning your trip to France this May

feel free to join the Moscow Polyglot Group and

make it together

Join the event created under Moscow group -->

ismetc profile picture ismetcDecember 2008
Hello There..

I am a broker in istanbul,Turkey. I want to learn russian. I will be really appreciated if someone can help me.. I can help you to improve your english and turkish if you want. I also like meeting new friends.

I am looking forward for the response.

vincent profile picture vincentOctober 2008
Dear Polyglots from Saint Petersburg,

The better way to keep up foreign languages is to use them speaking

So... let's meet up and have chats in languages you like

The date of the meeting is  15th of November!

Please, register FREE here: