Moscow - polyglot شبکه

به شبکه چند زبانی!Moscowخوش آمدید

Welcome to Moscow!

М о с к в а ...К а к   м н о г о   в   э т о м   з в у к е

д л я   с е р д ц а   р у с с к о г о   с л и л о с ь .

К а к   м н о г о   в   н ё м   о т о з в а л о с ь 

Moscow... How much in this sound

for russian heart's been put together...

How much of greet from it...


Tanya_Sunny_31 profile picture Tanya_Sunny_31October 2012
Dear friends, there will be games in English today in our Traditional Sunday Meeting! Thanks a lot to Vera (gitaristka) for this great idea and for games! Join us! I'm sure it will be funny!
AngelikaLegashova profile picture AngelikaLegashovaNovember 2012
Hi, I am Angelika. I am tvelve. I like to see a new friend.
MilOlga profile picture MilOlgaNovember 2012
Hello! My Name is Olga. I live in Moscow. I can teach perfect English and 'd like to improve German. I want to find friends from othet countries and share with my expereinces and knowledge. Look forward to getting acquainted with any of you ....
LERASMAIL profile picture LERASMAILNovember 2012
Hi, I am Lera. I am tvelve. I like to see a new friend/
Arina88 profile picture Arina88November 2012

Hello.My name is Arina. I want to improve my English and find new friends from other countries.

mhyazici profile picture mhyaziciNovember 2012
Hi! I'm living and working in Moscow. I can speak English. I want to teach Turkish and improve my Russian. I want to find new friends especially living in Moscow.