شرح رویداد

  • تاریخ: Aug 08, 2012
  • وقت. زمان: 19:24
  • آدرس : آدرس برای شرکت کنندگان قابل مشاهده است
  • Couchsurfing
  • شماره تلفن: +7 926 6328440

Планируется большая летняя встреча полиглотов, детали - по ссылке ниже:

Big Summer Polyglot meeting is planned, for details - follow the link:

For contacts:

+7 926 6328440 - Yulia,

+7 909 9999 765 - Alexander

آنها درباره ما صحبت می کنند!

Media coverage - Polyglot Club


Alllennka profile picture AlllennkaAugust 2012
I'd be glad tobe there. But I can't(( I've planned anothere meeting today, that is very very important for me. So Ihope I'll beable to join you next time. Have a good time)

شرکت کنندگان2