Morocco - Polyglot 네트워크

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Welcome to Morocco Polyglot Network!

Bienvenue au  réseau  Polyglot Maroc!

مرحبا بكم في شبكة بوليغلوت المغرب 


Morocco, officially known as the Kingdom of Morocco is a  country located in the North Africa. Morocco  has a coastline on both the North Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea.

Languages : Morocco's official languages are Arabic and Berber but the most commonly spoken languages among the people of Morocco is Darija a dialect of Arabic or Berber who is spoken in three dialects( Tashlhit, Tamazight and tarifit). Many Moroccans speak foreign languages especially French, Spanish and English.


Mohammedmohammed profile picture MohammedmohammedApril 2017
hello everyone, i want to improve my english. who can help me please?
nissrina_t profile picture nissrina_tFebruary 2017
hello i need to practice english with someone
  • nissrina_t profile picture nissrina_tFebruary 2017
    why don't we make group on whatsapp to practice english togather who with me
nissrona profile picture nissronaOctober 2016
hello i need english teacher pleas
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