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🕒 How do we Express the Future in Turkish?

PS: Check out these free Turkish learning resources: Article: PronunciationSoccerOrdinal NumbersBreakfast


Sila0919 profile picture Sila0919June 2022

While we use future tense to help with auxiliary verbs in English, in Turkish we are use future tense with suffixes ”-ecek/-acak” and we conjugate them with subjects.

For instance,

➡ Ben gideceğim. > I will go.

➡ Sen gideceksin. > You will go.

➡ O gidecek. > He/She/It will go.

➡ Biz gideceğiz. > We will go.

➡ Siz gideceksiniz. > You will go.

➡ Onlar gidecek(ler). > They will go.

vincent profile picture vincentMay 2022
I’ve created a lesson here, I think it need to be completed https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Language/Turkish/Grammar/Future-Tense
ece_bilgin profile picture ece_bilginMay 2022
There are many ways to do it but generally, we use -ecek/-acak paragoge’s. For example, the present form of a sentence would be; ”Plan yaparım” but if you want to say that sentence in the future form, then it would be ”Plan yapacağım.” But I am not a teacher, so maybe someone can explain better than me