GIVE ANSWERS - العربية القياسية

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Hello, I have a question about the words مرتفعة and عالية. Is there a difference in the use or meaning of these two words? I should add that both words are adjectives and mean high in English.

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Standard Arabic: Learning session: Western Sahara TimelineTreesPast tense conjugationAlphabet and Pronunciation


Adam_maki profile picture Adam_makiJuly 2020
they r exactly-almost the same thing, it just (3aleia) is more often used
shyima profile picture shyimaJuly 2020
All these synonymous
  • imane23 profile picture imane23July 2020
    most times they are equals they explain same meaning you can just choose one of them for example
    ضعط دم مرتفع*عال*high blood pressure
    *يتحدث بصوت مرتفع*عال he speaks loud
    هو لديه همة عالية*he has high determination
    جبل عال *
    You will be able to know when each word is used with frequent reading and listening.
    But in principle, do not go too deep, so as not to get lost, it is enough for you to know that they are synonymous.
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