پاسخ دهید - Español

رای دهید!پاسخ داده نشده
Can you learn to me spanish? I do going on Spania in march. I can help you on frensh (I'm frensh). So thank you.

پاسخ دهید

Juancho200 profile picture Juancho200April 2014
I can teach you spanish i'm from Colombia and you can help me with french because i'm suck in french but i like so much i't a beautiful language, if you are interested text me back, au revoir
Yui-chan profile picture Yui-chanOctober 2013
Salut chloco, tu veux apprendre l'espagnol? Je peux t'aider je parle courament l'Espagnol en plus du Français ^^
PabloDL profile picture PabloDLOctober 2013
can you teach me spanish? I will go to Spain in march. I am french so I can help you with french. So thank you. --> ¿puedes enseñarme español? Yo soy francesa y puedo ayudarte con el frances, Gracias