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100% GOOD (1 votes)AtsakytaLanguage Question
If I want to write ”To Olga, with love” is it correct to say ”Oldzę, z uczuciem”?

"With Love" I mean the friendly one. I say it in advance because I don't want to be misunderstood. You know in italian we have different shades of the english word "love". Maybe in polish is the same. Z góry dziękuję!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Polish: Material: AdjectivesVerbs in PolishBiologyNumbers and Counting


Nutkingye profile picture NutkingyeJune 2017
We don't even have in Polish these phrase "z uczuciem"/ with love. You rather say Pozdrawiam (best wishes), Całusy (kisses), Ściskam (Hugs). Of course if it is informal letter.
Evena profile picture EvenaJune 2017

If you want to give someone an autograph you can write: "Dla Olgi z serdecznymi pozdrowieniami" (For Olga with best wishes), "Z pozdrowieniami - Ed Sheeran" (Best wishes - Ed), "Dla Olgi od Andrei (write proper form of your name here)" (for Olga from ...), "Z gorącymi uściskami - Ed Sheeran" (With hot huges - Ed). I think the first one is the best version smile.gif