GIVE ANSWERS - Język polski

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If I want to write ”To Olga, with love” is it correct to say ”Oldzę, z uczuciem”?

"With Love" I mean the friendly one. I say it in advance because I don't want to be misunderstood. You know in italian we have different shades of the english word "love". Maybe in polish is the same. Z góry dziękuję!

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn Polish: Material: AdjectivesVerbs in PolishBiologyNumbers and Counting


Nutkingye profile picture NutkingyeJune 2017
We don't even have in Polish these phrase "z uczuciem"/ with love. You rather say Pozdrawiam (best wishes), Całusy (kisses), Ściskam (Hugs). Of course if it is informal letter.
  • krasnal135 profile picture krasnal135June 2017
    If you want someone to give you autograph, you can say ,,Czy mógłbym dostać autograf'' or ,,Czy mógłbyś dać mi autograf''
  • AndreaRota96 profile picture AndreaRota96June 2017
    No, I mean what he should write on the autograph? In Italy we write "To f.e. Paolo, with love f.e. Ed Sheeran". Which is the polish version?
  • Nutkingye profile picture NutkingyeJune 2017
    When you want somebody to give you an autograph you say "Mógłbyś dać mi autograf?" (Could you give me an autograpgh? )
Evena profile picture EvenaJune 2017

If you want to give someone an autograph you can write: "Dla Olgi z serdecznymi pozdrowieniami" (For Olga with best wishes), "Z pozdrowieniami - Ed Sheeran" (Best wishes - Ed), "Dla Olgi od Andrei (write proper form of your name here)" (for Olga from ...), "Z gorącymi uściskami - Ed Sheeran" (With hot huges - Ed). I think the first one is the best version smile.gif