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I am studying Norwegian at college so I dont rly need teaching as such - more someone willing to check my grammar and practise communicating in Norwegian too. I would like to visit Norway one day and hope that by learning the language I will have a much richer experience. I would also like to amaze my friends there, who are convinced that english people cant learn more than one language. If you think you can help please get in touch . . .

Always on these sites there are lots of people trying to learn Norsk whilst I believe many Norwegain people learn English at such a young age they need less help. I would also be happy to chat to other English speakers who are looking for help learning Norwegian - maybe we can help each other???


wised profile picture wisedJanuary 2010

Hi I moved to Norway 9 month ago to get married to a norwegian, at this moment i am going to school to learn Norwegian its not the greatest as i am still a beginner and its a very tough language to learn but perhaps we can practise and learn from each other if interested.