پاسخ دهید - 한국어

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If I want to say ”I study Korean” i will say ” 한국어를 공부해요 ”. But when I want to say ”I like to study Korean”, is it correct if i say ”한국어를 공부는 좋아요”. The change from Main Verb, become the infinitive.

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پاسخ دهید

mina_lee profile picture mina_leeSeptember 2020
I study Korean -> 한국어를 공부해요
I like to study Korean -> 한국어 공부하는 것을 좋아해요
  • Hyun6471 profile picture Hyun6471October 2020
    ”것을” is like ”한국어 공부하는”+ ”것을”
    making that noun
    I like studying korean. or to study korean
    한국어 공부하는 ”것을”
    I like study korean

    except ”것을”, 한국어 공부하는 좋아해요.
    people will understand what you want to say to some extent
    but they pretty sure that you are not a native.
    sound weird, grammatically incorrect
woodream profile picture woodreamJune 2024
nice to meet you. I am south korean.