پاسخ دهید - فارسی

100% GOOD (12 votes)پاسخ داده شدهسوالات زبان
can anybody help me to learn Persian? I can help you with English and Arabic.

PS: Take a look at these free Iranian Persian educational resources: Free resource: Lesson 1: Saying Hello and GoodbyeFree Time ActivitiesSailingDinner Table

پاسخ دهید

saeid31 profile picture saeid31November 2017
Hi, Yes i can help you to learn Farsi
Mandana96 profile picture Mandana96November 2017
Hi.Of course.it's an amazing language.
babak73 profile picture babak73November 2017
yes - if you want
Oler1349 profile picture Oler1349October 2017
I can help you .at the fist. Let me know where do you live?
Fatima2001JANUARY profile picture Fatima2001JANUARYOctober 2017
Hi I can help you send me message
danial62 profile picture danial62October 2017
I can help you dear.How can i help you?
GHOLAMREZAIE profile picture GHOLAMREZAIEOctober 2017
can I help you?
lilimosavi profile picture lilimosaviOctober 2017
yeah I think I can ... I like to learn English, can you help me?