
Текст од LayloKhon - فارسی

  • Salam be hame!

    • Salam aleykum, shoma khoob hastid?
    • Baraye yek sal zabane irani mikhoondam, zabane besyar ziba ast, vaghan!
    • Vali chun ke man faghat tawassote harf zadan ba dustane iraniye man farsi yad gereftam, gramatik baraye man kheyli sakhte!
    • Dustane iraniye man enghadr mehraboon va ba-adab hastand, una mano eslah nemikonand!
    • Be hamin ellat man az shoma miporsam: Shumo mitunid be man komak konid?
  • Kheyli motashakeram!
  • Chand jomle neweshtam, chejuri doroost begameshun?
    • In doktar az bimorho mitarsad, chun ki bimore uno mosriye.
    • (This doctor is afraid of sick people because their disease is contagious.) Tabestan Tajikistan raftam, unjo enghadr garm bud, se hafte tul keshid to inke agehebat khu gereftam.
    • (I've been to Tajikistan in summer, it's incredibly hot over there, it took me three weeks until I finally acclimated!) Madam ke sarbazha dar Afghanistan bemunand, keshwarhaye gharbi negah mikonand va negarane in keshwar mimunand, vali motmaenam ke bad az raftane nezamiye gharb hichkas dige dar mourede Afghanistan sohbat nemikonad injo.
    • (As long as the soldiers stay in Afghanistan the western countries will keep watching and being worried, but I'm sure that as soon as the Western military leaves, nobody will be talking about Afghanistan anymore.) Lotfan rosti ba man harf bezanid!
    • Midunam ke farsiam kheyli khoob nist, baraye in inja hastam :)!
    • Mamnoonam, tashakore ziyod!
  • Ba ehteram Laylo