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What is differance between 'olyan' and 'ilyen'?

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Daisy01 profile picture Daisy01March 2014
olyan = like that, further from you (in distance)
ilyen = like this, closer to you
Olyan kanapém van. I have a sofa like that. Pointing at a sofa in a TV addy.
Ilyen kanapém van. I have a sofa like this. Pointing at a sofa in front of you at a warehouse.
11reka profile picture 11rekaJanuary 2014
olyan= like that
ilyen= like this
hunyadi95 profile picture hunyadi95January 2014
almost nothing. you can use any of them almost in any cases
  • MuYang profile picture MuYangDecember 2022
    Not sure if this is the most accurate explanation, but until someone writes a more precise definition here, maybe this will do:

    If I use indicators, units of measure, etc. in my immediate environment to describe certain things, I use the pronoun ”ilyen / like this”. So I compare other things to a thing near me.

    For example:
    A testvérem ilyen magas. / My brother is that tall / My brother is tall like this (while showing the height with my hand)
    Az autóm pontosan ilyen színű. / My car is exactly the color like this. (while pointing at my sweater)
    Ilyen körülmények között nem tudok dolgozni. / I can’t work under conditions like this. (by this I want to express that with the current conditions in my environment - noise, temperature changes, etc. - I cannot complete my task)
    Ilyen gyönyőrű nőt még nem láttam. / I have never seen a beautiful woman like this. (and I’m referring to the person passing by me)

    If I use things, persons, and events in my wider environment, which can be found further away, or which are further away in space and time, to describe certain things, then I use the pronoun ”olyan /like that”.

    For example:
    Te is olyan vagy mint minden más férfi. / You are just like any other man.
    Ez a ház pont olyan mint a mi régi házunk. / This house is exactly like our old house.
    Olyan korban élünk, amikor az ember mesésen képesnek hiszi magát az alkotásra, de nem tudja, mit teremtsen. (quote from Jose Ortega y Gasset in hungarian languge)

    We also use the word ”olyan” to enhance the expression of a property:
    Olyan boldog vagyok! / I am so happy!
    Olyan szomorú vagyok! / I am so sad!
    Olyan gyönyörű vagy! / You are so beautiful!