پاسخ دهید - Deutsch

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who can help me to learn german ... i can help you with russian or armenian if you want

پاسخ دهید

Prissy1 profile picture Prissy1October 2014
i don't speak german but can you help me with armenian
RezafromGermany profile picture RezafromGermanyMay 2013
Hi I want learn Russian and can help you to learn German
Arkpal profile picture ArkpalMay 2013
Privet! Ja tebe tozhe mogu pomagat s nemezkam. Mne byla horosho, shto ty mne pomagla s ruskam
ManBat profile picture ManBatApril 2013
Privet! Ya tebe mogu pomogat s nemeckim i hotel b uluchat moj russkij Ili mozhet byt nemnozhka smogu uchitsya armyanskim hot eshtshe nichego ne znayu A ty uzhe znaesh chto-nibud na nemeckom?