پاسخ دهید - English

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Is this phrase correct? ”...the production is on a halt at the moment” or is the word ”halt” not often used?

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پاسخ دهید

Trey275 profile picture Trey275August 2017
You could say either 'production has been halted' or, better, 'suspended' if it is likely to begin again
brazenserpent7 profile picture brazenserpent7November 2014
"The production is at a halt currently/right now."
reggird profile picture reggirdNovember 2014
Thanks a lot!
Bretto profile picture BrettoNovember 2014
Production has come to a halt at the moment.
bunky profile picture bunkyNovember 2014
The best way to say it is: "Construction is on hold at the moment." Or: "Construction is on hold for the time being." "Construction is on hold for now.""Construction has been halted for now."