پاسخ دهید - English

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hi, is somebody can give the write text of video ”Learn Irregular Verbs easily with Rap song”

PS: Explore free learning materials for English: Exercises: Along(a)round and aboutCountable and Uncountable NounsPrepare IELTS

پاسخ دهید

Ilana profile picture IlanaApril 2022
The microphone I take, took, taken.
You shake, shook, shaken.
Wake, woke, woken
to the sound I’m creatin’.
Think, thought, thought,
Seek, sought, sought,
Listen to the lesson
that I teach, taught, taught.
Don’t sleep, slept, slept.
I creep, crept, crept.
I sneak, snuck, snuck up.
You leap, lept, lept.
I keep, kept, kept,
having fun.
I’m never beat, beat, beaten;
I win, won, won.
Do, did, done.
Begin, began, begun.
Shoot, shot, shot -
no, I don’t own a gun.
I lead, led, led,
so I can feed, fed, fed,
the knowledge you need,
straight to your head.
When I bring it, I brought it,
you catch it, you caught it,
Sit back, relax,
don’t fight, fought, fought it.
Please don’t freeze, froze, frozen
when I speak, spoke, spoken.
It’s real, you can feel,
I don’t steal, stole, stolen.
I choose, chose, chosen,
the very best rhyme,
And write, wrote, written them,
into my lines,
and into your mind.
When we meet, met, met,
I’ll bet, bet, bet,
I won’t let you forget, forgot, forgotten.
I get, got, gotten,
Every head nodding.
Don’t think about stopping,
just come, came, come.
This is hip-hop,
I don’t sing, sang, sung.
I sting, stung, stung.
You cling, clung, clung
on each and every word,
you hang, hung, hung.
It’s not enough to dream, dreamt, dreamt
you’ve got to spend, spent, spent,
time, on your goals.
Please lend, lent, lent
me your ear. Come near
And I’ll lay, laid, laid
down this new sound that
I make, made, made.
I hope you don’t say
that you think it’s junk.
I hope you don’t think
that I stink, stank, stunk.
If you’re thirsty for English,
come and drink, drank, drunk,
’cause I sink, sank, sunk
all competition
when they hear, heard, heard,
that I give, gave, given
when I spit, spat, spat.
Never quit, quit, quit;
Don’t sit, sat, sat.
Yeah, I like it like that.
I’ll even kneel, knelt, knelt,
and then you can practice
what you feel, felt, felt
I rise, rose, risen,
when I drive, drove, driven
through the beat, tap your feet
as you ride, rode, ridden.
Those that hide, hid, hidden,
I find, found, found.
If you flee, fled, fled,
then I’ll track you down.

Now you see, saw, seen,
that I mean, meant, meant
every word of the message
that I send, sent, sent.
I show, showed, shown
I can fly, flew, flown.
Now you know, knew, known
I shine, shone, shone.
I throw, threw, thrown
you the ball, it’s your turn
to grow, grew, grown,
with the verbs that you’ve learned.
Grammar through lyric
I draw, drew, drawn
Peace to ELS,
now I go, went, gone!