پاسخ دهید - English

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Using word ” asap” and its meaning

Hello, there!
I'm interested if this word "asap" could be used as a synonim to "as soon as possible"  in common not official speech? 
Or this word only for official using? I've never saw this word until today, such a discovery for me :D 
Thanks for your help in advance! 

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پاسخ دهید

exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2021
(Too) many Americans even use ”ASAP” in spoken conversation. Example:

Question: ”Sir, when do you want the report?”
Response: ”I want that report on my desk (note: in my email these days, ) ASAP!”
exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2021
Certain (mainly American) English speakers also use the term ”STAT” to mean (roughly) ”ASAP”. ”STAT” is derived from medical industry jargon. Example:

Question: ”When are we leaving?”
Response” ”STAT.”
vincent profile picture vincentJanuary 2021

Hello, I think this acronym is quite common in British or American English but I’ll let a native speaker answer.

We even use it in French. Like : ”je le ferai ASAP”.

In English it is pronounced letter by letter.

In French, it’s pronounced like a word. ”azap”.


See common English acronyms here: https://polyglotclub.com/wiki/Language/English/Vocabulary/Useful-English-Acronyms-and-Abbreviations

Aspromavroble profile picture AspromavrobleJanuary 2021

It's the acronym ”As Soon As Possible”= ASAP.

I know that it's used unofficially in texting since native speakers (American not British) used it in conversations with me. I do not know if it can also be used formally. For example in a formal letter it would seem to me a little off to use the acronym instead of the full phrase.

Also I don't know in what extent it's used outside of written communication, it would again seem strange to me.

This is my understanding but I am not a native speaker.