100% GOOD (2 votes)antwoordLanguage Question
Help, please.. I always felt that love at first sight exists. Я всегда чувствовала, что любовь с первого взгляда существует. How ’s that English?

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Chris999 profile picture Chris999February 2020
That Engish is perfect.

A more commonly used English expression would be "I believe in love at first sight".
exRanger profile picture exRangerFebruary 2020
Yep: the literal translation of your Russian expression, i.e., "Я всегда чувствовала, что любовь с первого взгляда существует." is indeed, in English, "I always felt that love at first sight exists."

However, to be more grammatically consistent (your phrases, both Russian and English, are mixing past & present between two clauses), would be something like "I have always believed in the existence of love at first sight."

- exRanger
Sh-alone profile picture Sh-aloneMarch 2020
I believe love happens in the moment ... the moment can be a first sight, a sentence or a sudden feeling ... love is formed from a deep and transcendent feeling...
but I mean this kind of love, one that is based on the freedom of the two parties, but not love based on possession and conquest!
: )
Geowill12m profile picture Geowill12mMarch 2020
Yeah love at first site exist