Stem nu!beantwoordTaalvraag
Personally, I dont like going to the beach. Why I don't say: personally, I don't like to go to the beach. Or personally, I don't like to going to the beach. Thank you so much.

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exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2019

From a technical/grammatical standpoint, eitheof your first sentences are "correct" in English, i.e.:

1. Personally, I don't like going to the beach.
2. Personally, I don't like to go to the beach.
- Note: in #1 you are using the present continuous w/ a verbal "gerund" (i.e., "going") form; in #2 you are using the present continuous w/ a verbal "infinitive" (i.e., "to go") form. Both forms are perfectly acceptable.

your third example, i.e., "Personally, I don't like to going to the beach" is INCORRECT precisely because you have included, in a single sentence, TWO present continuous elements, ie, the gerund and the infinitive forms. It is incorrent in English to create an "infinitive" from a "gerund", e.g., "to going".
That said, you will hear/read certain native English speakers say/write the following: "Personally I don't like to be going to the beach." This form, while also not grammatically correct, "works" because of the insertion of the present-tense infinitive form of the verb "to be" + the gerund form of to go (ie, "going"), but it is an awkward and (по-русски) "неграмотная форма выражения".

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