پاسخ دهید - English

رای دهید!پاسخ داده شدهسوالات زبان
How I can say? I and my family sledding. Or Me and my family to go sledding. Or My family and me sledding. Or we with my family go to sledding?

PS: Check out these free English learning resources: Learning class: MakeupCONJUNCTIONS → AdditionCONJUNCTIONS → ContrastAdverbs of Time

پاسخ دهید

  • AreYouAWhay profile picture AreYouAWhayJanuary 2019
    Keep your opinion to yourself, as what I am saying is a piece of information, and I frankly don’t care about what you think of a fact.
AreYouAWhay profile picture AreYouAWhayJanuary 2019
“My family and I went sledding” is the correct answer.
sofian_log profile picture sofian_logJanuary 2019