پاسخ دهید - English

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Need some one who can help on prezentation

Hello, I'm preparing slides for a business prezentation and I would realy appreciate if some one can help to verify the wording I use (I'm french speaker and not good enough in english)

Thank you in advance for your feedbacks!



PS: Try out these free English learning lessons: Class: That v.s. WhichVerbosity or CircumlocutionArtAt first and first

پاسخ دهید

exRanger profile picture exRangerJanuary 2019

I would be glad to assist as well, I am an American living in France and can review your slide presentsation from the perspective of your native language (ie, French) and my native language (ie, English).
324808248110090 profile picture 324808248110090January 2019
Hayley1267 profile picture Hayley1267January 2019
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