CEVAPLA - English

100% GOOD (6 votes)YanıtlananDil Sorusu
How could we improve the Polyglot Club website? Please, describe your need with details

PS: Here are some related free lessons to learn English: Training: English words of Arabic originFrequently Misspelt WordsIrregular VerbsPrefixes and Suffixes


vincent profile picture vincentAugust 2017
Good question please submit your suggestions.
Vincent, webmaster
-Sasha- profile picture -Sasha-September 2017

It would be great to have possibility to mark all notifications as viewed with one click and also letters. The capacity to see the context of the text which you will translate (on the page). Online status, and the search between online users. Notifications about corrections and votes.

  • vincent profile picture vincentSeptember 2017
    Thanks Sasha, those are very useful features. We will do our best to include them in the next website versions.
anna_szczu profile picture anna_szczuSeptember 2017
I have some problems with your website. I cannot say any changes which I have made. Another thing is I almost all time open the website with French version ... I don't know why I cannot open it in Polish or even English. And my points are not counted...ok, once I saw they were when I had an English version cos for Polish it was 404 error.