پاسخ دهید - English

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Hi! Can anyone explain the connection between nouns? Thank you!

I understand the difference between Proper noun and Common noun, but:

Is concrete noun a common noun?

Is abstract noun a common noun, but not a concrete noun?

Are collective noun and compound noun a concrete noun?

People say that a concrete noun can be felt with all 5 senses, but electricity is concrete noun and break the rule. I don't understand!

Maybe it's simpler, but I don't understand.

PS: Explore free learning materials for English: Exercises: Subject Verb AgreementAlikeDEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNSAlternate(ly) and alternative(ly)

پاسخ دهید

kso89 profile picture kso89April 2017
Proper Nouns: a name for a person, place, business, organization, sports team, etc. (Ex: John; Tennessee; the Dallas Cowboys, etc.)

Common Noun- a person, place, or thing (a man; a house; a shoe, etc.)

Concrete Noun: something that you can physically touch (I mean, it's a real, physical object or being that takes up space); Ex: a bottle; a teacher; a tree, etc. You don't have to feel a concrete noun with all five sense, but it has to exist physically--not just in the realm of thought. Make sense?

Abstract Noun: it's not a physical object--Ex: an idea; a dream; a wish, etc.

Collective Noun: a group of individuals--Ex: a family; a crew; a team, etc.
  • IamFran profile picture IamFranApril 2017
    Hi kso89, Thank you by the answer. You say: "You don't have to feel a concrete noun with all five sense, but it has to exist physically--not just in the realm of thought." I like this phrase very much and now I understand the concept. Thank you!!!!!!!
Megg profile picture MeggApril 2017
Is this something you need for a test? Otherwise all these different types of nouns are just going to confuse you. I'd say you'd really just need to know what a proper noun is and pronouns. And a noun ingeneral. I guarantee you 80% of native English speakers have never even heard of a concrete noun.
  • IamFran profile picture IamFranApril 2017
    Hi Megg,
    I appreciate your sincere response. I'm making my own notes to learn English and the topic of nouns in my books is not explained. On the internet there are discrepancies on the nouns, so I asked here. I will continue to learn about English grammar.
    Thank you very much!