پاسخ دهید - English

رای دهید!پاسخ داده نشده
Hi, my name is Jane and I want to improve my spoken English. I'm from Russia, so I can help you with Russian language. Write me, please.

پاسخ دهید

samisaround profile picture samisaroundJanuary 2016

Privyet Jane! Nice to meet you. English isn't hard to learn at all. And judging by the standards of sentence construction and the accuracy of punctuation that you have used in the statement above, I can see that you don't have much further to go in order to master it. "Write to me, please" would be more appropriate in that last sentence though. I believe the usage of 'write' there is like a phrasal verb, where it has to be followed by a preposition (in this case, 'to'). But let's not get too technical, as all this will come naturally to you. Regards, Sam.