79% GOOD (285 votes)ContestadoCuestión Lingüística
Which is correct? ”I’ve been living here for 5 years” OR ”I’ve lived here for 5 years”?

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el_samad_d profile picture el_samad_dOctober 2020
giusy_iaci profile picture giusy_iaciJune 2020
É corretto dire I think you SHOULD sell your car:it's too old oppure I think you HAVE TO sell your car: it's too old! Grazie
giusy_iaci profile picture giusy_iaciJune 2020

É corretto dire : I think you HAVE TO sell your car: it's too old! Oppure I think you SHOULD sell your car: it's too old!


valsugana profile picture valsuganaMay 2020

I've been living here for 5 years. means that you have lived here for the last five years and that you're still living here.

I've lived here for 5 years. means that you are living here and that you have lived here in total 5 years, not necessarily the last five years. probably you've been coming and going.

Khaled1114 profile picture Khaled1114April 2020
It's according the case of you left I have been lived here for 5 years of you are still living it's gonna be the other answer
cagilomer profile picture cagilomerJune 2018

either is correct ? what do you mean

  • Tace profile picture TaceJune 2019
    Suppose I have lived in my home for five years. If you ask me, "Have I been living here for five years," I would answer, "Yes." If you ask me, "How long have you been living in your current residence," I could answer, "I have been living here for five years," hence, either is correct.
Tace profile picture TaceJune 2019
More context would have helped answer this question, so I'll provide the context in my response. I might use example sentence one to say something like, "I've been living here for five years and I have never seen anything like this before!" Similarly, I could say, "I've been living here for five years and I plan on staying at least five more." Now, for example sentence two... if someone asks how long you have lived "here," I would say, "I've lived here for five years." At that point, you might want to tell them to mind their own business. (JK)