
متن از Gabrielle3453 - English

  • Dead Poetes Society

  • English Test: I) At the beginning, Neil's father enters in the room of the boy, and he accuses him of participating in many extracurriculars activities.
  • So he decides to make him abandon the album but offended by this news, Neil retortes that he became the redactor.
  • He doesn’t support getting to contradict others and he asks him to leave the room to talk in private.
  • Neil's father disputes him and Neil apologizes.
  • Neil must be angry.
  • Then courses keep coming : physics and chemistry, Latin, trigonometry, ...
  • All more annoying as each other !
  • II) Mr. Keating’s leaving and whistling the class and asks students to follow.
  • They should be surprised.
  • He asks them if they know where does : Oh captain, my captain.
  • Nobody answers and offers them to call Mr. Keating or for the more daring : Captain.
  • He then asked a student to read a poem (he mocks his name by the way).
  • He also asked them to come and view photos and Mr. Keating takes a ghostly voice and he is saying: Carpe diem.
  • III) A friend of Neil is forced to go to dinner, but when he meets the dinner the most perfect in his eyes but unfortunately she is promised to another man.
  • It must be disappointed.
  • It may be going to try something.
  • Thank you for your correction !

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