從Maryam1987來的文本 - English

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    • One part of society believes that directors need to earn elevated incomes compare with other personnel, while another part asserts that receiving an equal salary is the right of all members of huge corporations.
    • This essay will discuss both viewpoints as well as my own perspective on the matter.
    • On the one hand, some hold the opinion that this tendency may create some considerable problems for companies.
    • Simply put, if head managers tend to have a developed organization, they should not discriminate between senior and junior employees.
    • Discrimination in companion can be one of the main disincentives for ordinary workers, who should spend their diligence and creativity to outperform its competitors in today’s market.
    • Indeed, individuals should receive a salary based on the workload they perform, not on the position they hold in the company.
    • Parallel revenue not only encourages workers to utilize their capability to do their duties but also creates a sense of satisfaction among them.
  • Job satisfaction is able to directly produce a sense of loyalty among employees which is considered another positive point for a company.
    • Thus, these kinds of corporations with the mentioned features could use their maximum capacity to reach their determinate targets.
    • On the other hand, others hold the view that there several primary reasons why executives who play significant roles in companies can achieve a high salary.
  • First and foremost, many executives are appointed to this position based on their experience and competence.
  • Acquiring high income, executives may better apply their skills and knowledge to better guide their subordinate employees and to accelerate the improvement of these companies.
  • Last but not least, sufficient income might prevent employers from considerable mistakes such as negligence at function, taking subornation, and making poor decisions.
  • Each of these faults is more likely to have a direct negative impact on the operation of the business.
    • Thus, appropriate financial support is a proper incentive for these individuals to perform a fantastic function, especially in their workplace.
  • In conclusion, there are two rational arguments on both sides about this topic; however, in my view, equal pay may eliminate the concept of promotion among employees and also is more likely to impose additional financial pressure on firms.

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  • 标题
  • 句子 1
    • One part of society believes that directors need to earn elevated incomes compare with other personnel, while another part asserts that receiving an equal salary is the right of all members of huge corporations.

    • One part of society believes that directors need to earn elevated incomes as compare withd to other personnel, while another part asserts that receiving an equal salary is the right of all members of huge corporations.
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  • 句子 5
    • Discrimination in companion can be one of the main disincentives for ordinary workers, who should spend their diligence and creativity to outperform its competitors in today’s market.
    • Discrimination in companiones can be one of the main disincentives for ordinary workers, who should spend their diligence and creativity to outperform itstheir competitors in today’s market.
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  • 句子 7
    • Parallel revenue not only encourages workers to utilize their capability to do their duties but also creates a sense of satisfaction among them.
    • Parallel revenueSimilar earnings not only encourages workers to utilize their capability to do their duties but also creates a sense of satisfaction amongst them.selves.
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  • 句子 8
    • Job satisfaction is able to directly produce a sense of loyalty among employees which is considered another positive point for a company.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
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  • 句子 9
    • Thus, these kinds of corporations with the mentioned features could use their maximum capacity to reach their determinate targets.
    • Thus, these kinds of corporations with the above-mentioned features could use their maximum capacity to reach their determinated targets.
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  • 句子 10
    • On the other hand, others hold the view that there several primary reasons why executives who play significant roles in companies can achieve a high salary.
    • On the other hand, others hold the view that there are several primary reasons why executives who play significant roles in companies can achieve a higher salary.
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    • Acquiring high income, executives may better apply their skills and knowledge to better guide their subordinate employees and to accelerate the improvement of these companies.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
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  • 句子 13
    • Last but not least, sufficient income might prevent employers from considerable mistakes such as negligence at function, taking subornation, and making poor decisions.
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  • 句子 15
    • Thus, appropriate financial support is a proper incentive for these individuals to perform a fantastic function, especially in their workplace.
    • Thus, appropriate financial support is a proper incentive for these individuals to perform a fantastic functionexceptionally well , especially in their workplace.
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  • 句子 16
    • In conclusion, there are two rational arguments on both sides about this topic; however, in my view, equal pay may eliminate the concept of promotion among employees and also is more likely to impose additional financial pressure on firms.
      100% GOOD (1 votes)
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