
متن از nicolas_za - English

  • Celebration of Freedom (Fèt Kaf)

  • I work in a company and I develop corporate software.
  • I would like to work on Reunion island.
    • But it’ too small Island, there are only 866 506 inhabitants on this small island. Maybe on day!
    • The second video is on 20th December, the “Fèt Kaf” it’s end of the abolition of slavery.
    • “Fèt Kaf” is his the real name but it’s most famous for the foreign on the name “Fête de la liberté”….
    • I hope that this name never changes because in Reunion the language spoken is the “Créol”; and I think (or find?) that putting a French name is not appropriate for this day The whole Island celebrate that day, and every religion and people Chretien, Malabar, Islam, French, Portuguese, araba, Malagasy, south Africa, Comore, etc. All these people gather, from where the name of Reunion Island.
    • The most listened music that day is the Maloya, it’s a traditional music to use for “moringé (capoeira)”, “service kabaré(it is not possible to describe it, it is more a culture)”

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