
Tekst nga Manonsrz - English

    • The influence of Internet on our way of life

    • To begin with, I would like to point out that today, there is an enthusiasm for sport and for healthy way of life.
    • Indeed, all in life remembers us that physical activity is essential : ads, prevention campaign, social networks...
    • The internet impacts the way that we eat because on Instagram for instance, plenty of influencers says what they eat - especially if it's healthy – and oblige ourselves to improve our diet.
    • It could be a good thing for health but this influence could become harmful too : some young girls fall in anorexia because they are taken in a vicious circle without making the difference between a healthy food and a drastic diet.
    • So, it would be necessary to control more and more the utilisation of Internet, or at least to invest in education with new courses about the Internet's risks.


  • Title
  • Fjalia 1
    • To begin with, I would like to point out that today, there is an enthusiasm for sport and for healthy way of life.
      Votoni tani!
    • To begStarting with, I woul this point of view for today, I'd like to point out that today, there is ane enthusiasm forin sport and for healthy way of life.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 1
  • Fjalia 2
  • Fjalia 3
    • The internet impacts the way that we eat because on Instagram for instance, plenty of influencers says what they eat - especially if it's healthy – and oblige ourselves to improve our diet.
      Votoni tani!
    • The internet impacts the way that we eat because on Instagram for instance,. Take for instance, on Instagram; plenty of influencers says what they eat - especially if it's healthy and oblige ourselves toin improveing our diet.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 3
  • Fjalia 4
    • It could be a good thing for health but this influence could become harmful too : some young girls fall in anorexia because they are taken in a vicious circle without making the difference between a healthy food and a drastic diet.
      Votoni tani!
    • It could be a good thing for health but thisese influences could become harmful too : s. Some young girls faell in anorexia because they are taken in a vicious circle without making the differences between a healthy foods and a drastic diet.s.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 4SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 4
  • Fjalia 5
    • So, it would be necessary to control more and more the utilisation of Internet, or at least to invest in education with new courses about the Internet's risks.
      Votoni tani!
    • So, it would beIn conclusion, it is necessary to control more and more thexcessive utiliszation of Internet (internet addiction), or at least to invest in education with new courses about the Internet's risks.
    • SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 5SHTO një KORRIGJIM TË RI! - Fjalia 5