
متن از vaness182 - English

    • 7th June.

  • Today is Friday, 7th June.
    • Tomorrow is Saturday, 8th June.
    • Yesterday I got my home at 15 o'clock.
    • I got my nickname "chiquis" because means "little girl".
    • This morning when Ivo called me, I said to her: "He's an amusing boy".
    • The baby is a smiling girl.
    • The spoon is on the table besideto the knife and fork.
    • My cousin go to upstairs.
    • My uncle let me pick up my little cousin to the park.
    • This morning when I was singing (karaoke), my bff said to everybody: "she is shouting, It's going to rain soon for those shouts " My mommy and father argued this morning.
    • :( My girlfriend and I agree over how to kiss, and how get a kiss.
    • My friend celebrates because he won to the match.
    • The doctors says: "you are OK".
    • Well, this program t.v. is boring.
    • These anime is very interesting and amusing.
    • I love my asiatic princess girl, but she is Swiss and she likes all over Asia.
    • I like the pears, watermelons, peachs and grapes.
    • Did you come to the mall? yes I've a few times here.
    • Last night Xiomy asked me, whose are your kisses?, and I said to her: "the kisses of mine are for who care me." Which is your book?
  • It's the blue book.
    • Which are your dolls little sister? not, I really I'm confused.
    • If a genius say to you, Which wish you want?, what you'll wish?
    • Which jacket you will wear?
  • I will wear the red jacket.
    • Let me take out the clothes and I will feel so good, I will be able to stretch myself.
  • Let's do the homework now.
    • I did the gift myself and I gave it to her yesterday.
    • Could you like want to go to the cinema? so, I like do it.
    • Does she like go to pamper the baby?
    • Have you eat at noon?
    • had you go to visic Andrea in the hospital?
    • I coudn't go to stay with my girl when she staied in the hospital.
    • During the rest to friday, in the school, my fiends will be playing spin the bottle.
    • The friday Colombia will be playing versus Argentina on Argentina.
    • Since she talked to me, I fell in love for she.
    • Into my heart, what you can see?
    • When I got on the bycicle I felt so good.

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