
متن از GeekBrain - English

  • The Great Robbery

    • It`s not a secret that banks and other organizations where big amounts of money are kept are oftentimes burglarized.
    • This occasion is about the greatest robbery that could occur, but it didn`t.
    • At 2013 the russian rouble had abruptly begun getting inflated, so the stocks got more expensive.
  • It was a great opportunity for scammers and robbers in Russia to earn more than they used to.
    • So one day, predictably, some robbers in masks broke a bank`s window and got inside it.
    • Then there was just one door to go trough, but suddenly, a bank-assistent spotted the robbers and immediately, with no trepidation, closed the door just behind them and bid farewell with them, wiggling his hand and looking at them through a window.
    • The robbers got furious, but there were no other way left, so they left.
    • Alas, they didn't manage to do it, but it could be one of the greatest robberies ever.

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